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English Audio Request

690 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please just read in English part.
Thank you very much! ^^

오늘 집에 돌아 온 후/귀가 후에 / 아래 문장을 읽고, 이전에 몰랐던 몇 가지 사실을 알게 되었습니다. 그것은 내게 매우 도움이 되었습니다..
이 글을 좀 더 쉽게 읽기 위해 이 문장을 내 일기에 옮겨 적었습니다.
언제던지 내가 다시 읽고 싶을 때 쉽게 읽기 위해서이지요.
그리고 또한 영어를 배우는 다른 친구들에게도 도움이 될지도 모르기 때문입니다.
그렇기를 바랍니다. ^__^!

==(May 27th 2010 19:56 ) <How to improve your English writing in 5 minutes>===
• Today after I came home I read the following article, then I found out about something that I didn`t know before. .(I got to know something that I didn`t know before.)
• It`s very helpful for me . In order to read more easily I included this article on my journal. (*If you say "I wrote this article", it means that you created its content. "Included" is better~)
• *I would like to read it whenever I would read again. And besides I feel maybe it could be helpful to any friends who are leaning English.I hope so.

※source (출처) :
==[ © [How to improve your English writing in 5 minutes ][======
Below is an excerpt from Michal's story, but it is purposefully written in an ugly way. Do you find this excerpt pleasant to read?
Today , I can understand the beatles very clearly.Each time I hear a Beatles song,I am delighted and proud becouse i have mademy childhood dream come true. I listen to many rock bands , all in English,and I listen every day ,sometimes forover seven hours a day.I ma constantly aware ofmy success with english because i cna understand the lyrics ofthe songs i listen to.and taht gives me pleasure and Satisfaction for many hours every day .
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Now you can read the original version of the excerpt. It's the same text but it's much more pleasant to read, don't you think?
Today, I can understand The Beatles very clearly. Each time I hear a Beatles song, I am delighted and proud because I have made my childhood dream come true. I listen to many rock bands, all in English, and I listen every day, sometimes for over seven hours a day. I am constantly aware of my success with English because I can understand the lyrics of the songs I listen to. And that gives me pleasure and satisfaction for many hours every day.
There are three kinds of typing errors in the ugly version:
1-wrong use of spaces (a missing space or an unnecessary space)
2-incorrect capitalization (lower case instead of upper case or upper case instead of lower case)
3-incorrect spelling
Today , I can understand the beatles very clearly.Each time I hear a Beatles song,I am delighted and proud becouse i have mademy childhood dream come true. I listen to many rock bands , all in English,and I listen every day ,sometimes forover seven hours a day.I ma constantly aware ofmy success with english because i cna understand the lyrics ofthe songs i listen to.and taht gives me pleasure and Satisfaction for many hours every day .
---<How to avoid writing in an ugly way>--
1-Be careful. Put spaces between words. Use proper capitalization: The first word in every sentence should start with a capital letter. So should every proper name (such as English and The Beatles).
2-"You" and "I". Remember that the word "I" is spelled "I", not "i", and the word "you" is spelled "you", not "u".
3-Put a space after every comma and every period; never before it.
--<The wrong way: >---------------------------------------------------------
I listen to many rock bands , all in English, and I listen every day ,sometimes for over seven hours a day . I am constantly aware of my success with English .
--<The right way: >--------------------------------------------------------------
I listen to many rock bands, all in English, and I listen every day, sometimes for over seven hours a day. I am constantly aware of my success with English.

4-Use a spellchecker. With a spellchecker, you can easily avoid mistakes like because, ma (instead of am), can (instead of can), and that (instead of that).


  • <How to improve your English writing in 5 minutes> ( recorded by apidi ), English (London)

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June 22, 2011

apidi! Thank you very much!
Your recording is very helpful for my learning English.
Thanks again!



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