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English Audio Request

227 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please read in english part. Thank you.


=(Jun 01st 2010 00:09 )
<Should I Stop or Should I Keep going? /Stop? Keep going? >=

• Recently, I have been trying to write English entry.

•Recently, I have been trying to write an English entry.
• But there`s a problem./ = But I'm having some trouble
• I feel some worried, because there have been too many mistakes in my journal entries.
• There are always mistakes in my journal entries
• Therefore I feel sorry about(/of ) my lang-8 friends who correct my journals
• (and moreover I find that I repeat the same mistakes.)

• To be frank, it`s so embarrassing. I feel sorry.
• But I think that even though I repeat the same mistakes in English, continuing to write entries is better than stopping. What do you think about this?
• As the saying is, In Chinese there`s "不怕慢只怕站" (don`t be afraid to slow down, just be afraid of stopping)
• In Korean there`s a word ; "시작이 반이다"

• (2010.6.1) 최근에 나는 영어 일기를 써 보려고 했어요.
그런데, 몇 가지 걱정이 있답니다.
내 영어 일기에 틀린 곳이 너무나 많아요.
그리고 늘 틀린답니다.
그래서 내 일기를 고쳐 주는 lang-8친구들에게 미안해지거든요,
그리고 더군다나 틀린 곳을 반복하거든요,
솔직히 말해서 부끄럽고 /창피하고 (고쳐 주는 친구분들께) 미안함을 느낀답니다.
그러나 내 생각에는, 비록 자꾸 틀리더라도 계속 쓰는 것이 멈추는 것 보다는 훨씬 낫겠지요?
여러분은 어떻게 생각하세요


  • Should I Stop or Should I Keep going? /Stop? Keep going? >= ( recorded by Pasokon ), Midwestern American English, Neutral Spanish

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June 6, 2011

Thank you very much, Pasokon!
It`s very helpful dor my learning English.
And if you want you can try to listen my Korean recording. ^.*/

Korean audio MP3>> 방방의 한국어 낭독>..


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