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English Audio Request

82 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments
Note to recorder:

Pleaseread in English part, don`t need read in korean.

(May 31st 2011 14:58 )
Wow ~~ I`d better hurry up now! Otherwise I will be late for my afternoon class.
So--bye! See you tonight!

Oh, the following entry is my Chinese entry from this morning. You can try to read it^^ if you can!

와`~ 빨리 서둘러야겠어요. 안그랬다가는 오후 수업에 지각할테니 말이지요!그럼~~ 안녕! 오늘 밤에 뵈요! ^__________________^/

(May 31st 2011 )今天的照片是今天早晨在网格上看到的(~~》网上?还是网格上?),我觉得好奇,看了一遍。给大家介绍介绍吧。在这个地球上会正在发生各种各样的事情,是吧?오늘 사진은 아침 인터넷에서 본 건데 신기해서 한번 보았습니다. 여러분께 소개해 드릴까 합니다. 이 지구상에서는 지금도 각양각색의 일들이 일어 나고 있겠지요?



June 1, 2011

i tried to speak naturally. i cut some words out the second time and contracted some words.

June 1, 2011

mattgirod, Thank you verymuch! ^.^
It`s very helpful for my learning.


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