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English Audio Request

659 Words / 1 Recordings / 6 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please, read in English part. If you find my mistakes in Englsih you can readasyouwant.THANK YOU!

----(May 09th 2010 15:40 : "STUPID STORY of Bangbang"!)------------

• (1)-Oh~outside the window, there is a really wonderful May sunshine!
(2- Looking through the window, it's a very nice sunny day
(3)-Oh~ looking out of the window, I see it's a really wonderful and sunny day!

• Beautiful May! Cruel April is gone / has gone away /!
• So~~,Now~~, I am going to tell you about yesterday my 'stupid Babgbang story''.
• (*Now, I am gonna (going to) to tell you about yesterday' stupid Bangbang story''..)
= (*Now, I would like to tell you about yesterday' stupid Bangbang story..) .....?

• Yesterday I went to see my son. Yes!i have son, and he is a korean soildier now. Are you surprised? Hahaa~~~ I am already an old mom.^_____^♪
• [*question/질문]
• *1-My son resides / lives in the korean army dorm.
• *2-He joined the Korean army last year.
• (* what`s the difference between 'last year' and 'the past year' )
• You know?You know? Maybe some people don`t know and others already know. As a normal and healthy Korean man, you should join the army.
(= Normal and healthy Korean man have to join the army.)

• Anyway , yesterday I went to see him just by myself. Because my husbad went to Beijing the day before yesterday. So I felt afraid of /worried about driving there by myself , afraid of driving there by myself. ( worried about driving there by myself.)
• Because, for me, it was the first time driving there. But fortunately, there wasn't any problem. I arrived at the entrance of the army/military base

• My son also went out for me, looked at the tire and then ? He heaved a sigh ~and just said "MoM! @_@;;So, it was OK! It wasn't too bad! Insurance man changed my flat tire. Then, my son and I had a spring meeting in the army's garden.
• There was a BIG BIG cherry tree in the garden under that tree we ate rice cake. And took a walk along a small stream by the mountain. Sure/Of course Betty and Jang-ah also took walk together. Who is Betty?....Who is Jang-ah
• So it's yesterday's ' Bangbang's STUPID STORY'!
= So that was the ' STUPID Bangbang STORY' ! =
= So that was the "STUPID STORY of Bangbang"!)
• Korean boy playing guitar↘ Enjoy it once more!*how is it? Is his playing reaaaally nice?

ㅁKorean Audio by bangbang >>
----(2010.5.9)<바보같은 방방의 이야기>--------------------------------
아~창밖의 날씨가 너무 좋아요. 정말 멋진 오월의 햇살입니다!
잔인한 사월은 쫓겨 가고, 드디어 아름다운 오월입니다! 그런데, 어제 제가 저질렀던 바보같은 이야기를 해 드리겠습니다. 어제 나는 아들 면회를 갔습니다. 네, 저는 아들이 있어요. 그리고 그 아들은 대한민국 군인이랍니다. 놀라셨어요? 하하하~~~ 저는 이미 나이 많은 엄마랍니다. 여러분은 아세요? 어떤분은 이미 아실테고 어떤분은 모르시기도 하실거예요. 일반적으로 몸과 마음이 건강한 한국의 젊은이는 누구나 국방의 의무를 다해야 합니다.

아무튼, 어제 나는 혼자서 아들을 보러 갔어요.
왜냐 하면 남편이 그저께 북경/베이징에 갔기 때문이거던요.
그래서 나는 나 혼자 가는 일이 좀 걱정이/염려가 되었어요.
나 혼자 운전해서 가는 일이 처음이였거던요.
그러나 다행히도, 아무일 없이/무사히 경비소입구에 도착 했답니다.

네 , 정문 경비초소까지는 아무 무사히 도착했답니다.
그러면 내 신분증과 면회증/출입증을로 바꿔야 하거던요./교환 해야 하거던요.
그래 경비 서는 군인인 장애물(큰 못을 박아두고 무단진입을 방지 하는곳) 앞에 정차 하라 했어요.
그런데 내가 출입증을 받아서 시동을 다시 걸고 ,막 출발을 하려 하는데~~? 앗?
뭐지? 이게 무슨 소리야? 피시식~피시식~(@__@;;)
네!!!! 내 타이어에서 바람 빠지는 소리였습니다.!
이런 바보 같은 일이! 이렇게 멍청하다니!
뭐, 어떻게 해요? 보험회사에 전화해서 최대한 빨리 도와 달라고 부탁했답니다.
아들도 나와서 보더니 한숨을 날리며 단지 "아휴~ 엄~~마~~!!" 라고 말할뿐입니다. @_@;;

그래서, 뭐그래도 괜잖았어요.
보험사원이 타이어를 갈아 주고,
나와 아들은 5월의 봄을 군대 정원에서 보냈어요.
그 정원에 엄청나게 큰 벗나무가 있거던요.
그 나무 아래에서 우리는 떡을 먹었답니다.
그리고 산을 따라서 난 작은 시냇물을 따라서 산책도 했고요^^
물론 베티 짱아도 한께 걸었지요.
그래서 이것이 바로 '바보같은 방방의 이야기'였습니다!'

'^___^oㅣ아래 한국 소년 기타 연주예요 한곡 더 들어 보셔요.
어때요? 기타 연주 정말 너무 잘 하지 않아요?


  • (May 09th 2010 ): "STUPID STORY of Bangbang"!/바보같은 방방의 이야기 ( recorded by iyavor ), American/Israeli

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June 22, 2011

iyavor, Thank you very much!

June 22, 2011

oh, I missed some sentences. If you dont mind could you read agian for me? >>

-(May 09th 2010 15:40 : “STUPID STORY of Bangbang“!)————

• Oh~outside the window, there is a really wonderful May sunshine!
= Looking through the window, it’s a very nice sunny day
=Oh~ looking out of the window, I see it’s a really wonderful and sunny day!
• Beautiful May! Cruel April is gone / has gone away /!
• So~~,Now~~, I am going to tell you about yesterday my ‘stupid Babgbang story”.
=Now, I am gonna (going to) to tell you about yesterday’ stupid Bangbang story”..)
=Now, I would like to tell you about yesterday’ stupid Bangbang story..) …..?
• Yesterday I went to see my son. Yes!i have son, and he is a korean soildier now. Are you surprised? Hahaa~~~ I am already an old mom.^_____^♪ You know?You know? Maybe some people don`t know and others already know. As a normal and healthy Korean man, you should join the army.(= Normal and healthy Korean man have to join the army.)

June 22, 2011

• Anyway , yesterday I went to see him just by myself. Because my husbad went to Beijing the day before yesterday.
So I felt afraid of /worried about driving there by myself , afraid of driving there by myself. ( worried about driving there by myself.) Because, for me, it was the first time driving there.
But fortunately, there wasn’t any problem. I arrived at the entrance of the army/military base.
• When, where and what kind of stupid thing happened?
• I arrived at that guard post very safely, then I had to change my identification card into a visiting card.
• So the guide soldier let me stop in front of an obstacle.

June 22, 2011

• So~~ after I got an admission card, I started up my car again to go through the entrance ,WHAT?It was the sound of air escaping from my tire. Yeah~~those guide soldieres also ran to my car and looked surprised. We saw what was going on ~*__*Okkk!Akkkk! My tire was flat! I should just call the insurance company and let them help me as soon as possible. My son also went out for me,and looked at tire. Then? He heaved a sigh ~and just said “MoM! @_@;So, it was OK! It wasn’t too bad!Insurance man changed my flat tire. Then, my son and I had a spring meeting in the army’s garden.There was a BIG BIG cherry tree in the garden under that tree we ate rice cake. And took a walk along a small stream by the mountain. Sure/Of course Betty and Jang-ah also took walk together. Who is Betty?….Who is Jang-ah? They are my dogs.

June 22, 2011

So it’s yesterday’s ‘ Bangbang’s STUPID STORY’!= So that was the ‘ STUPID Bangbang STORY’!=So that was the “STUPID STORY of Bangbang”!) Korean boy playing guitar↘ Enjoy it once more!*how is it? Is his playing reaaaally nice?


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