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English Audio Request

565 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

JUst read in English part, please.
If you find my mistakes in English, you can read as yuo want.

• How is your Sunday going?= How was your Sunday?
• Are you having a good day?=Did you have a good day?
• And how was weather where you were?
=How was weather at your place?
= How was the weather where you are?
• Wow...In Seoul, it almost felt like a summer day.
=In Seoul, it's almost summer.

• Yes, summer is coming! Oh~no! Time is flying. =It is coming a lot faster than expected.

• By the way, Today, my husband and I went to the military base (camp)to see my son.
= By the way, my husband and I went to see my son at the military base today.

• Em~~~ today weather was so good, very sunny.
=Em~~~ today, the weather was so good, very sunny.
• Near by a lake, we spread[lay] a mat under the trees, and laid down.
=Near a lake, we spread[lay] a mat under the trees, and lay down freely.

• When I laid down under the big trees, there was a gentle breeze, and I could also see yellow green leaves rustling in the breeze.

The leaves were so bright and shining and looked so translucent, since bright sunlight shone through them!
=Sunlight reflected on those fresh leaves, making them look bright, shinny and translucent.

• We ate some snacks, had some drinks and ordered chicken over the phone.=We ate some snacks and drank some (had a few) drinks, and called to order chicken.

• The three of us talked freely, and remembered the first time we came to visit our son.
=The three of us talked freely. We talked about the first day that we came here to see my son.

• That day was cold. It was early winter.
• You know? Time flies without stopping.

• After only one/a month he will come back home!
=There is just a month left before he comes back home!
= A month later, he will come back home! //

• *today`s pictures: some families that (they) came to see the soldiers.
• *Do you remember what you did one/=a year ago?

[몸을 바닥에 누이다] lie- lay[léi]; lain[léin]; ly·ing
침대에 누워서 좀 쉬어라 -Lie down on the bed and take some rest.
그녀는 침대에 누워서 책을 읽고 있었다-She was lying in bed reading a book.
그는 항상 옆으로 누워 잠을 잔다-He always sleeps on his side.
나는 자리에 눕자마자 잠이 들었다
I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. /
No sooner had I gone to bed than I was asleep.

rustle [rʌ́sl] 살랑살랑 소리내다

~~~~~~~~(2011.5.29.일요일)<마지막 면회>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
안녕하세요? 여러분은 오늘을 어떻게 보내었어요? 여러분이 있는 곳의 날씨는 어땠나요?
이곳 서울 날씨는 거의 여름이었답니다. 네, 여름이 오고 있네요! 아니~ 아예 날아 오고 있습니다. 오늘 날씨가 참 좋았어요. 햇살이 빛나는 날이었습니다. 우리는 호숫가 옆의 키 큰 나무들 아래 돗자리를 깔고 편하게 누웠습니다. 나무 아래 누우니, 나뭇잎들이 흔들리며 서걱서걱 아주 듣기 좋은 소리를 냈습니다.
바닥에 누워서 하늘을 쳐다 보니, 바람에 흔들리는 나뭇잎들이 햇살에 비치어 투명한 연녹색으로 밝게 반짝여 정말 아름다웠습니다. 우리는 간식도 먹고 음료수도 마시며 이런저런 이야기를 나누며, 나중에는 전화로 파닭을 시켜 먹었답니다. (하하 : ‘파닭’이 무어냐고요? ‘파닭’이란 파와 닭을 버무린 닭요리입니다.) 그리고 이곳에 첫 면회를 왔던 날에 대해 이야기 했습니다. 그때는 초겨울의 추운 날씨이었는데, 이제 한달 뒤면 제대를 하네요. 시간은 절대 머물러있지 않고 흐릅니다!

*오늘 사진은 군인을 면회 온 가족들의 모습입니다.
*여러분은 1년 전에 무엇을 했는지 기억하세요? 아래 일기는 작년 5월 9일의 저의 영어 일기입니다


  • The last seeing my son in the military base./마지막 군대 면회 ( recorded by vankrot ), British

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June 6, 2011

Thanks allwayd,vankrot!



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