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English Audio Request

491 Words / 1 Recordings / 7 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please read in english part. Thank you very much!
If you find my mistakes in English, you can read as you .

---(May 27th 2011)< /Nervous? or not Pleasure? >---
• Hi everybody! It`s a Saturday evening, and it`s a relaxed time.
• This Saturday, I didn`t need to hurriedly get up early in the morning, and didn`t need to go out for doing anything, I just had been taking rest freely in the house in a very lazy manner, freely rested /lied freely on a sofa and read newspapers, and also had read of the last year`s May entries with lang-8 friends`corrections.
• As I told already, my English is very poor, because I had learned English long time ago.
• However after I wrote Chinese entries in this lang-8 site, I felt writing English entry also will be good for my learning pleasure.
• Even though every time I begin to write English entries I used to feel a little nervous, but I guess that it`s a good nervous feeling and that it gives me more pleasure of learning omething unknown .
• I don`t need to learn very fast, just want to learn slowly, just only steady and with pleasure.
• Because it`s my wonderful hobby.
• If I ask learn very fast, may be I will lose my real pleasure of learning and hobby.
• .And besides teaching someone who are learning Korean, it also my pleasure.
• Therefore I am trying to write in Korean and record Korean at the same time, just if I can.
• Oh, this time evening the sun already moved on the west mountain, the sky became colored orange yellow, my husband is watching in a baseball game on a TV, My dog Jjang-ah is sneezing under my feet.
• Betty, Jjnag-ah`s mom, is lying down long on the floor and is taking a nap.
korean Audio by bangbang 방방의 한국어 낭독>>

--(2011.5.28).토요일) -------------------------------
모두 안녕하셔요? 오늘은 토요일이어서 아침에 서둘러 일어날 필요도 없고, 외출할 일도 없어서, 집에서 게으름을 부리며 쉬었답니다. 소파에 길게 누워서 지나간 신문들을 뒤적이며, 또 작년 5월달의 lang-8일기들을 살펴 보았답니다. Lang-8친구들이 수정해 준 부분을 특히 잘 살펴 보면서 말이지요.
이미 전에 말했듯이 저는 영어를 너무 오래 전에 배웠기 때문에 실력이 형편없습니다. 그러나 이곳 lang-8에서 중국어 일기를 쓰기 시작하면서, 영어 일기를 써 봐도 좋겠다는 생각이 들었습니다. 영어일기를 쓰면 즐거우리라는 느낌이 들었거든요. 솔직히 말하면, 영어 일기를 매번 쓸 때마다 아, 마음이 심란해집니다.그러지만, 그런 걱정도 내게는 이전에 몰랐던 사실을 배우는 기쁨의 일부라고 여겨집니다
저는 빨리 서둘러 배울 필요가 없습니다. 단지 천천히 배우면 됩니다. 즐거움을 가지고 말이지요. 왜냐하면 이것은 나의 아주 굉장한 취미이기 때문입니다.. 만약 내가 빨리 배우기만을 원한다면 나의 취미로써 배우는 즐거움을 잃어버릴 수도 있습니다. 그래서 누군가가 한국어를 배우려는 분들께 한국어를 가르쳐 주는 것도 나의 즐거움 중의 하나입니다. 그래서 나는 동시에 한국어로도 일기를 쓰고 한국어로 녹음도 해 주려고 노력하고 있습니다. 단지 가능하다면 말이지요.
오, 이미 저녁 해가 서산에 걸려 있네요. 하늘은 노란색으로 물들고, 남편은 TV 야구 경기에 푹 빠져 있고, 우리집 개 짱아는 내 발 밑에서 코를 골고 있습니다. 짱아 어미인 베티는 마루바닥에 길게 늘어져 낮잠을 자고 있습니다. 모두 편안한 주말 보네셔요! ((^_____________^))


  • Nervous? or not Pleasure? 기쁨인가요?아니면 괴로움인가요? ( recorded by tnarundayo ), Standard English

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May 30, 2011

korean Audio by bangbang 방방의 한국어 낭독>>

June 4, 2011

Hi there! I recorded an edited version of your post. Here's what I said:

Hi everybody! It`s a Saturday evening, and today I’m feeling pretty relaxed.

June 4, 2011

This Saturday, I didn`t need to get up early in the morning, and didn`t need to go out to do anything, so I’ve just stayed in and relaxed in a very lazy manner, laying down on the sofa and reading newspapers. I also read last year`s May entries with lang-8 friends`corrections.
• As I said already, my English is very poor, because I began learning English long time ago.
• However after I wrote Chinese entries on this lang-8 site, I felt writing English entries would also be good for my learning experience.
• Even though every time I began to write English entries I used to feel a little nervous, I guess that it`s a good nervous feeling because it gives me more pleasure of learning something unknown.

June 4, 2011

I don`t need to learn very fast, just want to learn slowly, steadily and leisurely because it’s one of my wonderful hobbies.
• If I ask to learn very fast, maybe I will lose my real pleasure of learning and this hobby.
• And besides, teaching someone who is learning Korean is also my hobby.
• Therefore I am trying to write in Korean and record Korean at the same time, if I can.
• Oh, this time in the evening the sun has moved to the west mountain, the sky has become an orange yellow, my husband is watching a baseball game on TV, and my dog Jjang-ah is sneezing under my feet.
• Betty, Jjnag-ah`s mom, is lying down long on the floor and is taking a nap.

A lot of these corrections were to make it sound more natural. If you have any questions as to why I changed what I did, feel free to ask! :D

June 4, 2011

P.S. Sorry for the echo with my recording. I'm using a karaoke microphone and the sound quality's not that great. I'll be able to do better ones when my laptop's finished being repaired next week~

June 6, 2011

Thank you Thank you very much!
Your recording is very helpful for my learni ngenglish. I am so happy you corrected my poor English!!!((^______________^))!!!!!!!

Hahah..your karaok sounds is so good! If I can I would try to record for you ^^with pleasure! Have a good day!

Thanks again! tnarundayo!


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