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English Audio Request

370 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please read in English part.

(May 24th 2011)
<Comparing ‘this year's today’ with ‘last year `s today’. >
<Comparing ‘myself today’ with ‘exactly one year ago’.>
<Comparing ‘today’ with ‘last year's same day’. >
<Comparing ‘today's entry’ with ‘the dairy entry exactly a year ago’.>

• Hi everyone, did you have a good day?

• Today I went to an elementary school and had a good time with the kids (there).
• Today I went to an elementary school and spent time with the kids there.

•I am going to teach that class this one week, I might be a little tired, however I still learned a lot from my time there .
•I am going to teach that class during this whole week, so it could be a little tiring, however it`s a moment that brings me more vividity/ vividness, as well.

• Even though I probably will be become tired during this one week, It will be good feeling when I come to write at here at lang-8 site.
• So I probably will become (somewhat) tired during this week. however it will be good feeling when I come to write here at Lang-8

• By the way, today I read my English entry from the same day of last year.
By the way, today I read my English entry from exactly one year ago.

• It's fun to compare “yourself” with “how you were one year ago through Lang-8 entries” for me. ^^.
• It's a fun feeling when comparing “today's entry” with “the same day of last year through lang-8” for me.

• The next entry is my English entry exactly a year ago.
• The next entry in my English entry of the same day a year ago.

(2011.5.24)안녕하세요? 모두 즐거운 하루 보내셨어요?
• 오늘 저는 초등학교에 가서 아이들과 함께 지냈답니다. 저는 이번 일주일 동안 그 아이들을 가르칠 겁니다. 아마 분명히 몸은 좀 피곤해질 수도 있겠지만, 반면에 정신적으로는 그 시간들이 제게 좀더 생기있는 순간들이 될 겁니다.
• 비록 1주일간 좀 피곤해진다 하더라도, 여기 lang-8에 와서 일기를 쓰는 시간은 여전히 즐거울 겁니다.
• 그건 그렇고, 아래는 바로 작년의 오늘에 쓴 영어일기를 읽어 보았습니다.
• 1년전 같은 날에 쓴 일기를 오늘 일기와 비교해 보는 것은 재미있습니다.

from ~~>>


  • <Comparing ‘this year's today’ with ‘last year `s today’. > ( recorded by gwyner ), California

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June 4, 2011

Thank you very much, gwyner!


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