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English Audio Request

286 Words / 1 Recordings / 4 Comments
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Please read in English part. Don`t need read in Chinese entry.
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==(May 23th 2010) Hair cutting=======

• Yesterday, I cut my dogs` hair. Usually, I cut my dog`s hair all by myself.
• To tell you the truth (To be frank) it`s not easy for me, and sometimes it's tiresome /sometimes I get tired. But it makes me feel so good.
• When I finished cutting, when I saw cleaned bodies, I used to be satisfied with what I had done. ^o^♪Haha~~smile delightedly / hugged myself ~``^o^♪ Haha
• These days I`ve been sort of busy, so I didn`t /couldn`t cut hair. S~~o~~? Yesterday I took clippers and began to cut hair.
• Cutting two dogs, needed a / took a long time, but my 2 dogs are good dogs and they quietly, patiently waited. They can endure this amateur`s force.
• At last I finished and when I straightened up , "Aakkk~~" my back cried out in distress. *__*;
• But I felt was so good and fresh, as I looked at them, newly groomed.
• Then, after I put them in a bathtub, I washed them so they looked like laundry.
• All three of us were tired.
• ♪consult the pictures. ~ ♪They are too tired~ look like be tired out^__^/

==(May 23rd 2010 22:34) 《剪发和洗澡 〉===
嗯,昨天我剪了我两只狗的毛。 =
• 嗯,昨天我给我两条小狗剪了毛
• 用汉语 表示应该是 ‘剪狗发 ‘ 还是 ‘剪狗毛‘ ? 哪个是对的? 我估计“剪狗毛”可能是对的,是吧?
哈哈~~所以从现在我开始 讲讲我狗剪发的事情吧。
• (哈哈~~所以从现在开始我把我家狗狗剪毛的故事讲给大家听吧。)
• 我养了两条狗。它们名字分别是“BETTTY(母狗)” 和“ZZANGA”(BETTTY的儿子)。
• 一般都是我自己给我的狗剪毛。
• 因为这样既然省钱又可以/练习我剪狗毛的技术。 以前我在LANG-8已经提过了,在首尔如果要给剪两只狗剪毛的话至少要花10万块韩币.
当然这还要根据动物美容院的位置( 不知道在中国怎么说,在韩国叫‘动物美容院‘)美容师技术的高低以及狗的种类、体重等等来判断。 上面我说的价格是按照我家狗的体重。
• 和最普通的宠物美容院的价格表来对照的。
所以我自己剪2~3次后才去一趟找专门剪슈나우져 雪纳瑞( ‘schnauzer‘)的美容员。
• 哈哈~~我不仅给我自己的狗修剪毛,而且还帮我妹妹的狗修剪。
• 因为她的狗跟我的狗是同样的种类。
• 我把狗剪成了很奇怪的样子然后我们(妹妹和我)带着3只狗去找 专门雪纳瑞美容师。
那~~专门schnauze. • 那~~专门schnauzer美容师拿着剪刀修剪了一下,狗狗们就完全变了个样,变得帅帅的、很得意的样子。
• 最近这几个月我比较忙没时间去找专门的美容师,而且我一个人剪这两只狗的毛实在不容易,觉得麻烦,所以没有给它们剪毛。 它们几乎变成了小熊的样子了。 所以----昨天我下定 。
• 下午我举起了理发剪子 和快速帆船 [kuài sù fān chuán] 开始动手了.(哈哈。。不是动手术。)说实话,BETTY是很乖的,可以一动也不动地等1~2个小时。 非常有耐性。不过ZZANGA跟BETTY有点不同,爱动。 不过最近它也可以忍耐着等了。 可能上了年纪了吧! 哈哈。。。儿子慢慢学妈妈,变懂事了?
哎呀~~~终于剪完了。伸着我的腰,不知不觉地呀呀呀呀~~呻吟[shēn yín]的声音出来了。@•_@;不过,虽然我的腰很酸疼,但是我的心情舒畅多了!• 一看变干净的ZZANGA和BETTY, 哇~~~我的心情就很舒服!爽快! 
• 这样昨天的下午都过去了。一个下午就这样过去了
• 我很累,它们好像也累了,都睡觉睡得很深了。哈哈哈---我登上了它们累的样子! 看看它们的表情! ︿_︿;;; ( ︿_︿;;; 就像很疲累的样子吧 ?



June 6, 2011

vankrot, Thank you very much!
It`s very helpful for my learning English!


June 6, 2011

vankrot, Thank you very much!
It`s very helpful for my learning English!


June 6, 2011

vankrot, Thank you allways!
It`s very helpful for my learning English!



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