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English Audio Request

282 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments
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=《释迦诞生日[dàn shēngShì jiā]的 燃灯节[rándēng jié]》==========

==《Lotus lights festival of Buddha's Birthday 》==
• (1)Today, April 8th of the lunar calendar is Buddha's Birthday which is the biggest holiday with Buddhist (people who believe in Buddhism.)
This time, I am showing you a news article and some pictures from the newspaper about Buddha's Birthday on 9th May 2011 to you.

[Brighten the whole world..]
With Buddha’s birthday two days ahead, the lotus light festival was performed in the Jong-no Street, and about 50,000 Buddhist and people participated in this festival.
You can see beautiful and various kinds of lotus lights parade at the following link.—
• Today, April 8th on the lunar calendar, Buddha's Birthday, which is the biggest holy day for Buddhists.
This time I am introducing a news article and some pictures of Buddhas Birthday from the May 9th newspaper.

~[It brightens the whole world..]
~[[It brings light to the whole world..]
• With Buddha's Birthday only two days ahead, the lotus lights festival was performed on Jong-no Street, and about 50,000 Buddhists participated in the festival.

• You can see beautiful and varied lotus lights from the parade at the following link:

=《释迦诞生日[dàn shēngShì jiā]的 燃灯节[rándēng jié]》==========
• 今天,农历4月8日是对佛教徒[fó jiào tú]最大的节日“释迦诞生日[dàn shēngShì jiā]”。
这是2011年五月九日报纸上登上的新闻和照片, 我给大家介绍一下。
释迦诞生日[dàn shēngShì jiā]的燃灯节[rándēngjié].
上个星期7日,面临释迦诞生日[dàn shēngShì jiā],在首尔中路一带, 五万多人的佛教徒[fójiào tú]以及市民参加了大规模的燃灯节 [rán dēng jié]。
当天摄影的几张照片: -> 可以看到很漂亮的各种各样的燃灯。~〉

===《석가탄신일 맞이 연등 축제》======
오늘은, 음력 4월 8일 불교신자들에게 있어 가장 큰 명절인 석가탄신일입니다.
2011년 5월 9일 신문에 실린 소식과 사진을 여러분께 소개해 드리겠습니다.
~~~[온 세상을 환하게 ]~~~~
석가탄생일을 앞두고 지난 7일 오후 서울 종로 일대에서 불교 신자와 시민 등 5만여명이 참가한 가운데 대규모 연등 축제가 열렸다.
당일 행사의 사진-> 아름답고 다양한 형태의 연등 행렬을 볼 수 있습니다.~〉 


  • ==《Lotus lights festival of Buddha's Birthday 》释迦诞生日[dàn shēngShì jiā]的 燃灯节[rándēng jié/석가탄신일 맞이 연등 축제 ( recorded by bonjour_papillon ), Australian English

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May 11, 2011

bonjour_papillon), Thank you very much!

Your recording is very helpful for my learning English.



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