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English Audio Request

409 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please just record in English entry. Dont need record Korean. If you find my mistakes in English, you can read as you want. THank you very much!

May Date ^o^ -♡- 오월의 데이트 -♡-
Today I had date with really nice people.
(At least with me, they are the nicest people in the world.)
Yeah~ ^^♪ 'HE', and ' SHE' are really really GOOD to me.
I always felt sorry towards them.
They are my father, my mom and my younger sister (the youngest sister) .
Because as a kid, I haven't been good enough to them yet.
I don`t know when I could do enough good for them.
Maybe it won't be easy for me
By the way, today was late for this important date .
Thistime early in the morning, my husband went to airport, and I drove /took /ride him to airport.
Why? Early in the morning, I drove my husband to the airport.
And after I returned home I fell in a deep sleep again ,so I woke up late.
Of course I took a later bus too.
To make matters worse, I got off one stop later.
I missed my stop because I wasn't paying enough attention since/because I was reading a book in the bus. S~O~~~ @_@~~ I WAS LATE!!!
So today we had samgyetang (chicken soup with ginseng) for lunch.. and my father and mom drunk ginseng liquor
Hahaha~~My fateher enjoys drinking Soju. (Korean general people`s alcoholic drink). can you see father`s cute ^^ ruddy cheeks?
(Haha...can you see father`s cute ^^ ruddy cheeks?
My mother is a best alcohol friend of of father .( ^__^)Haha~~really !
After we had lunch ,we took a walk.
Wow~~TODAY ~?
It`s a really really nice day!
Clean air!
Bursting buds!
Green leaves!
My mom, father, sister and I sat down on a road and burst into laughter ^^.
So happy! So thanksful!
so another funny story is that my father also likes to take pictures.
So I took pictures of him, he took pictures of us...
So mom said, "Oh~ look at you! both of you are the same !
Father and mom had been worked hard for your kids/us .
My father and mom have worked hard for us. Therefore I am here now.
Thank you very very much! Thank you from all my heart!

今天我在城市里有个约会。 跟非常好的人的!
跟谁呢? 是跟非常非常好人! 就是跟我爸妈和妹妹。
(可能是因为空气中的尘土 都被昨天的雨 洗掉了吧。)
(把空气中的尘土都 被昨天的雨 干净地 洗掉了的吧。)
我们今天好像是从农村初次进成的来的人似的,路上哈哈笑着,拍拍着照片, 挺开心了!
(我们今天好像是初次进城来的乡下人似的,路上哈哈笑着,拍拍着照片, 开心极了!)
我爸爸喜欢喝酒,所以今天爸吃饭时候 他老人家喝了酒(人参酒).
现在你们老了还是为担心我们~~(现在老了,还是在为我们担心呢~~~ )
我们只能说句 ‘谢谢! 晚安!



May 11, 2011

Thank you very much!



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