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English Audio Request

141 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

I am learning English now, so may be it will be have many mistakes. If you find my mistakes in English, please read as you want. THANK YOU!
Oh, soujyu24 ,Thank you for your correction! ^.^/

(Apr 28th 2011 )
~~<The second news of today: >~~~~~~
The second news of today:
• Today these grade 5 kids had a small athletic meeting time on the school ground.
• I uploaded their pictures.
• Boys had a tee-ball game, girls had group jump rope game.
• When boys played their game, the girls were cheering.
• Those girls shouted themselves hoarse cheering for the team.
• Oh, and then boys and girls played an Earth moving game together .

*The first news:

(2011.4.28.목)오늘의 두 번째 소식:
오늘 두번째 이야기는 :
오늘 5학년 아이들이 학교 운동장에서 작은 운동회를 했습니다.
오늘 그 사진들을 올렸습니다.
남자 아이들은 티볼을 했고, 여자 아이들은 단체 줄넘기를 했습니다.
하핳~~~ 남자 아이들이 경기를 할 때 여자 아이들은 응원을 했습니다.
하핳,, 여자 아이들은 응원을 하느라 목이 다 쉬었습니다.
아, 그리고 남녀 함께 지구를 옮기는 경기를 했습니다.



May 7, 2011

by bonjour_papillon,
Thank you very much!

It`s very helpful for me! (^______^)



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