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English Audio Request

254 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please just record in English part. Thank you very much!

I am teaching a grade 5 class in an elementary school this week since the class' teacher is on her honeymoon.
• The kids in this class are very well behaved.
• Today I uploaded some pictures of them while they were studying.
• Today`s pictures:
• 1- In the first picture they are drawing.
• 2- They are practicing a dance for a moment
• 3- The last one is of one them concentrating on their sewing.

-b-《What I have to do this week >----♡♡♡-------------------
• What I have to do this week /
• I am teaching a 5 grade class in an elementary school this week.
• Since that class' teacher is on a honeymoon now.
• I feel the kids of this class are very well behave.
• Today I upload a picture of them while studying.
• Today`s pictures:
• 1- They are drawing on the first picture.
• 2- They were practicing how to dancing for a moment.
• 3- Haha, The last one is them concentrated sewing.
(2011.4.26.화요일) <이번주에 내가 할 일>
이번 일주일동안, 나는 한 초등학교에서 5학년 아이들을 가르칩니다.
왜냐하면 그반 담임이 지금 신혼여행중이기 때문이지요. ^^♡.
(왜냐하면 그반 담임 선생님께서 지금 신혼여행중이기 때문이지요. ^^♡.)

이 반 아이들은 참 의젓해서 참 좋아요. (/기특합니다./)
오늘 이 아이들이 배우는 모습을 올려 보겠습니다.

1- 그림을 그리는 모습이고요,
2- 잠시 무용 연습을 하는 모습입니다.
3- 하하, 모두 바느질에 푹 빠져 있는 모습입니다.

因为,他么班的班主任老师正在当蜜月旅行中。. ^^♡.
这个班的孩子们很懂事,养成了很好的学习态度, 因此我觉得他们很乖巧 [guāiqiǎo] 。
1- 正在画画, 2- 趁有空,练习跳舞的时间,3-哈哈,大家都沉浸在做针线活 [zuò zhēn xiàn huó]的样子。


  • what i have to thie week./이번주에 내가 할 일/ 这个星期我要做的事情/ ( recorded by Thomas ), American (Texas)

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May 10, 2011

Thomas, Thank you very much! :)
It`s very helpful for me.
