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English Audio Request

302 Words / 1 Recordings / 5 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please record in English part. Since now I am learning English, so may be you can find my mistakes. If then please read as you want. Thank you very much.

<One Year Ago // A Year Ago >
Apr 23rd 2011
• Last year, around this time, what did I write about on Lang-8? Suddenly I was curious about that. Oh, I wrote about climbing a mountain with my friends. In fact, they were my former students. //-------// I wrote about hiking with my friends. In fact they were my former students. I linked that page at the bottom of my entry.
하하, 작년 이맘때 즈음, 나는 lang-8에 무엇을 썼을까? 갑자기 궁금해져서 찾아 보았다.하하, 친구들과 ,실은 옛날 학생들이지만, 함께 등산을 했었다. 아래에 링크를 연결시켜 보았다.
====(Apr 20th 2010 23:36 )---------
Recently (in recent times), the weather has been quite strange.
It doesn't feel like spring ,
Maybe winter has been confused with spring 。
Today's weather was not too bad .Yes, fortunately! why? Because I promised some friends that we would climb a mountain today. During this season, in Korea, Azaleas cover the whole mountain in pink. So many people climb to enjoy the mountain completely buried in pink flowers.Today we left for Mt.혈구산 in 강화도 (Ganghua island; which is near Seoul ).
the Azaleas on the mountain have also confused spring with winter?
they haven't bloomed yet
they must just be waitng for spring / it must be that they are just waiting for spring
so we were disappointed , but we knew it wasn't the Azaleas' fault.
The confused seasons just confused the Azaleas too . But, there's good news for us. We walked through clouds on the mountain. It was a fun and refreshing feeling. It feels like you're walking on a cloud.
so~~~Today my friends and I had a fun/great time, breathed in the fresh mountain air, and took a walk along the mountain path, watched flowers bloom, and shared a wonderful experience with friends, full of laughter.


  • A Year Ago 1년 전에./去年的这个时候/ 작년 이맘때쯤.../ ( recorded by yeonsu2010 ), American English (Southern accent)

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April 24, 2011

• 最近韩国春天的天气真不像话~不过。。。。
• 今天才还可以!是,天气还行。放心了,觉得欣幸 [xīn xìng]!
• 今天我为什么一开始就谈论天气呢?
• 因为~~~今天-今天我跟几个朋友们说好了一起去登山了。
• 所以早晨一起来就赶紧准备登山的东西。
• 不过,说实话没什么要准备的,只不过穿登山服和蹬山鞋,然后背背包就行了。
• 我9点到约好的地方时5个朋友已经在等着我了。
• 我们6个人向‘江华岛‘进发。
• 开车到江华岛的入口江华桥的时候我们的车(不是人,是汽车)要被消毒。
• 最近在江华岛上出现了口蹄疫,所以进出的全部汽车都必须要消毒。
• 消毒的方法是每个汽车到这个岛的出入口(桥)时候,自动喷洒器向汽车喷洒消毒药。
• 那么。。我们在汽车里坐着, 等了一会儿喷洒完后过去就可以了。
• 这样到了山脚后把车停在那边,我们开始爬山。
• 我很长时间没登山了,今天在春天里登山心情很不错。
• 过一会儿开始上/爬坡的时候觉得/感到有点累/吃力,不过心情很兴奋,脚步也因此轻松而爽快。
• 说实话 ,现在山上的杜鹃花[dù juān huā] 应该是开得最火爆的时候,就是全山都应该变成像着火了一样。(其实,现在应该是杜鹃花开得最灿烂的时候,被杜鹃花覆盖的山应该宛如一团火一般美丽.)
• 不过~~怎么回事儿???~~今天的山不像是那样的。
• 今天的山,虽然整个山被杜鹃花的花苞覆满满盖的是肯定的,不过为什么它们还没有开呢?(***要么是"花苞",要么是"花骨朵",不能单独说"骨朵",一般"花苞"比较常用***)
• 我觉得。这是由于今年奇怪的天气所致。
• 今年糊涂的天气让这些花骨朵也糊涂了。
• 好象是让花骨朵分不清季节的感觉了吧。(没办法,山只得等它们的开花,盼望着杜鹃花开。)不过~~雾?还是云?
• 我们在山上的时候云穿过了我们。
• 哇~~~站在山上云中间深呼吸的感觉, 真是新鲜!
• 找一个地方坐着 ,一边吃带来的水果和蔬菜(黄瓜/胡萝卜/花菜/等等)一边聊天说笑。。
• 感觉真得很舒服爽快!

April 29, 2011

<A Year Ago >(Apr 23rd 2011)
Last year, around this time, what did I write about on Lang-8?
Suddenly I was curious about that.
Oh, I wrote about hiking a mountain with my friends.
In fact, they were my former students.//I wrote about hiking with my friends.

In fact they were my former students. I linked that page at the bottom of my entry.

April 29, 2011

Recently) (in recent times), the weather has been quite strange.It doesn't feel like spring,Maybe winter has been confused with spring。Today's weather was not too bad .Yes,Fortunately! why? Because I promised some friends that we would climb a mountain today. During this season, in Korea, Azaleas cover the whole mountain in pink. So many people climb to enjoy the mountain completely buried in pinkFlowers.Today we left for Mt.혈구산 in Ganghua island(which is near Seoul).The Azaleas on the mountain have also confused spring with winter? They haven't bloomed yet they must just be waitng for spring / it must be that they are just waiting for spring so we were disappointed , but we knew it wasn't the Azaleas' fault.The confused seasons just confused the Azaleas too.

April 29, 2011

But, there's good news for us. We walked through clouds on the mountain. It was a fun and refreshing feeling.It feels like you're walking on a cloud. so~~~Today my friends and I had a fun, breathed in the fresh mountain air, and took a walk along the mountain path, watched flowers bloom, and shared a wonderful experience with friends, full of laughter.


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