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English Audio Request

176 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments

(1)Short news: Just a moment ago, I saw a picture on the internet news website..
(2)Short news: Just moment ago, I saw this picture on an internet news website.

• (1)• There were cars lining up, moving slowly like tortoises, on the return trip to Seoul.
• (2)"There were cars lining up, moving slowly like tortoises, returning to Seoul."
• (3)"There were cars as slow as tortoises lining up, returning to Seoul."
• (4)"There were slowly-moving cars on the return trip to Seoul."

•(1) People had celebrated the New Year Holiday in their hometown, and now they are heading back to Seoul to their daily life.
• (2)People had celebrated the New Year Holiday in their hometowns, and now they were coming back to resume their daily lives in Seoul.

•(1) On the last day of the holiday, highways were jammed with cars returning to Seoul, thus it became a parking place.
•(2)On the last day of the holiday the highways were jammed with cars returning to Seoul so the streets became a parking lot.



Feb. 5, 2011
방금전 인터넷 뉴스에서 이 사진을 보았다.
서울로 돌아 오는 길, 자동차들이 줄을 이어 거북이처럼 움직이고 있다.
모두 고향에서 설을 보내고 일상으로 돌아오기 위해 서울로 오고 있는 중이다.
휴일의 마지막 날 고속도로는 귀경차로 막혀 주차장으로 변했다.

Feb. 12, 2012

"他们都在故乡过完春节后,为了复归日常生活 回首尔来。

Feb. 12, 2012

silverleaf, Thank you very much! ^.^/


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