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English Audio Request

384 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

Just read in Korean please.
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• • I am a little worried about his having gone to the river all alone. 그가 혼자 강에 가서 안심이 안 된다

• I´m relieved to know you are all right. 네가 무사하니 안심이다

• It´s a relief to hear that news. / I´m relieved (to hear) that news. 그 소식을 들으니 안심이 된다

• The patient is now out of danger. 환자는 이제 안심입니다

• I feel safe from discovery. 발견될 염려가 없어서 안심입니다

• That´s a relief. /
What a relief! /
That´s a load off my shoulders. /
It´s a weight off my mind.
• 이제 안심이구나

• I was slightly relieved at the news.
그 소식에 적이 안심 되오

• It is reassuring to note that airport security has been improved. 공항 의 안전 대책이 개선된 것을 보니 안심이다.

• Well, that makes me feel so much better.
그래, 엄청 안심이 된다

• I am bathed in relief.
무척이나 안심이 되네요

• Well, that's good to hear.
그 말 들으니 안심이 되네요

• This won't make you feel better, but...
이 말을 들어도 안심은 안 되겠지만..

• Well, that's a relief.
안심이 되는구나

• Must be a big relief.
이제 안심이 되겠소

• Kim , a housewife from Mok-dong western Seoul, said she was relieved to see that things seemed to be normal.
서서울 목동에서 온 가정주부 김씨는 상황이 정상인 것 같아 안심이 된다고 말했다.

• You have to let yourself go and have fun. or You can let your hair down and have a good time.
너는 안심하고 즐겁게 놀아라

• Put your mind at rest on that score. or Set your mind at rest about that. or You may take it easy on that score.
그 점은 안심하십시오

• Please set your mind at ease and leave it to me.
안심하고 나에게 맡겨 놓으세요

• set a person at ease;
/ease a person´s mind;
/relieve a person´s anxiety;
/ put a person at ease

• You can rest assured that I´ll never fall behind in my loan payments. 절대로 대부금 지불을 연체하는 일은 없을 테니까 안심하십시오

• At last he arrived to the great relief of everybody.
마침내 그가 와서 모두 다 안심했다

• I was relieved at the news.
그것을 듣고 안심했다

• I can assure you that the worst is over.
고비를 넘겼으니 안심하세요


  • sample sentences<relieved안심> ( recorded by Manley ), North American English

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Jan. 31, 2011

Thank you, Manley!