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English Audio Request

512 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
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~~[dictionary/ smple sentences:사전/예문]~~~
-------------<<춥다/ 추위: cold>>----------------
• 추워지다 get[grow; turn] cold(er) / become chilly
• 옷을 춥게 입다 dress too lightly (for the cold weather)
• 밖은 살을 에는 듯이 춥다 It's biting cold outside.
• 하나도 안 춥다 It's not cold at all. / It isn't a bit cold.
• 오늘 아침은 굉장히 춥다 It's extremely cold this morning.
• 밖이 추우니 따뜻하게 입고 나가라. Bundle up. It's cold out.
• 날씨가 생각보다 춥지는 않다 It's not as cold as I thought it would be.
• 추운 날씨 cold weather; a freezing day
• 추운 지방 a cold area[country]
• 몹시 추운 겨울 a severe[cold] winter
• 추워서 떨다 quiver from cold; shiver with cold
• 추워하다 be sensitive to the cold; complain of the cold
• 날씨가 춥다 It is (very) cold.
• 추워서 죽겠다 I am freezing to death. or I am dying of the cold.
• 방 안이 너무 춥다 It is too cold in the room.
• 추워서 손이 곱다 My fingers are so stiff from the cold.
• 최근의 추운 날씨는 내일까지 계속될 것이다
The recent frigid weather will continue till tomorrow.
• 지난 겨울은 몹시 추웠다 We have had a severe winter.
• 살을 에는 듯이 춥다 It is piercing[biting] cold.
• 오늘도 몹시 춥겠군요 Looks like it´s going to be another freeze today.
• The Korea Meteorological Association said it was the coldest day of the year.
기상청은 어제가 올 들어 가장 추운 날이었다고 발표했다.

• It may be just me, but isn’t it a bit cold here?
나만 그런지 모르지만 여기는 좀 춥지 않아요?
• It is very hard to get up early on such a cold morning.
이렇게 추운 날 일찍 일어나기는 괴롭다
• This January was also colder than last year, prompting more people to buy coats and winter clothes, she said• 또 올 1월은 작년보다 추웠기 때문에 코트나 동복을 사려는
사람이 늘어났다”고 그녀는 말했다.
• We didn’t stay outside long because it was too cold.
= Because it was too cold, we didn’t stay outside long.
너무나 추웠기 때문에 우리는 밖에 오래 머물지 못했다.
• It was very cold yesterday as much [as cold] as it is today.
오늘에 진배없이 어제도 추웠다
• It was so cold there that I cut my trip short and came back home.
그곳은 매우 추웠기 때문에 여행 일정을 단축해서 집에 돌아왔다
• I work in a restaurant, and one of the biggest complaints I hear every summer is how cold it is inside.
저는 음식점에서 일하는데 여름마다 가장 자주 듣는 불만사항은 식당 안에 너무 춥다는 거에요.
• Seoul, too, will have a cold day with a morning low of minus 6 degrees.
서울 역시 아침 최저가 영하 6도로 추운 날씨가 될 것이다.
• The weather has been extremely cold since the beginning of this month.
이달에 접어들더니 몹시 춥다
• It is well on in March, but yet it is almost as cold as midwinter.
3월도 꽤 지나가려는 데도 거의 한겨울처럼 날씨가 춥다.
• This winter has been severer than usual.
The weather has been unusually cold this winter.
금년 겨울 날씨는 예년보다 추웠다


  • [dictionary/ smple sentences:사전/예문]~~~ ( recorded by Spot53 ), アメリカ

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