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English Audio Request

347 Words / 3 Recordings / 4 Comments

---<Nature always gives us gifts >---♪♪---------------
It's late at night. I hope everyone rested well this Sunday. I am now trying to rewrite my English entry from yesterday into Chinese, and recorded it in Korean too. I hope my recording can help friends who are learning Korean. ( ***Thank you for reading and correcting my article.*** )
~~~~♪♪♪~~~~~~~~~~~~~♪♪♪~~~~♪♪~~~~~~~~~This morning was veiled by a gauzy mist.
The sight of the children`s attending school in the warm, soft mist made me think of a spring morning, but the tree leaves on the road ensured me that it is (in fact) late fall .
I posted two pictures which I took while walking with my friend this afternoon.
She sent me a text message and asked me to have lunch together /...(She sent me a text messagemessage: 'Let's have lunch together.')
so I went to her house had a very simple lunch of ddeok and ramen (ramen with rice cake).
After that, we walked outside around her apartment, and enjoyed the beautiful fall moment. We walked, each with a cup of coffee in our hands, talking carefree into the afternoon.
It was a nice and easy feeling walking without a worry in the world, slowly passing under the yellow and red leaves.
In this way, Nature always gives / always bestows us a gift, and we use it to welcome peace of mind and to comfort our bodies.
~~~~♪♪♪~~~~~~~~~~~~~♪♪♪~~~~♪♪~~~~~~~~Korean Audio=>
-----in korean 〔010.11。6)오늘..아침 엷은 안개가 끼었다.
아이들의 등교하는 모습이 마치 포근한 봄날 같은 느낌이었으나,
도로변의 나뭇잎은 지금이 깊은 가을(만추)임을 확연히 알려 주고 있었다.

나머지 두 장 사진은 오늘 오후 친구와 산책할 때 찍은 것이다.
그 친구가 오늘 낮 점심식사를 같이 하자고 해서, 그 친구 집에서 떡라면으로 점심을 간단히 먹었다.
그리고 바로 아파트 주변을 걸으며 이 아름다운 가을을 감상했다.
커피 한잔을 들고 마음속 이야기를 나누며 느긋하게 산책을 했다.
노란 잎 빨간 잎들 아래로 천천히 걸으니 정말 편안하고 기분이 좋았다.

자연은 이러한 방법을 통하여 늘 우리들에게 선물을 주고 있으며,
우리들은 이런 자연의 선물로써 몸과 마음의 휴식과 위안을 얻는다
-----in Chinese-
今天早晨的空气里弥漫[mí màn]着轻薄的雾气。



  • Nature always gives us gifts -2 ( recorded by Thomas ), American (Texas)

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  • Nature always gives us gifts -2 ( recorded by danmc15 ), Standard American English

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  • Nature always gives us gifts -2 ( recorded by danmc15 ), Standard American English

    Download Unlock


March 29, 2011

danmc15),THank you very much .
but...? why? woo???
I don`t know why i cannot hear your recording? Your recording doesn`t work at here...@.@?

March 30, 2011

Wow, danmc15! Now it`s OK!
It`s very good!
Thank you((^______________^)))


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