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English Audio Request

192 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
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Just read in Englih ,please.
Thank you!

//dictionary// example sentences
• I must confess I don´t know either. 실은 나도 잘 모르겠어
• The truth is this. or I´ll tell you what. 실은 이렇다
• The truth is that I was mistaken. 실은 내 잘못이었어
• He is not as honest as he looks[as he apparently is]. 보매 그는 정직한 것 같지만 실은 그렇지 않다
• I'm not really just taking time off, 실은 휴가차 온 게 아니라
• Actually, I came, uh.. 실은 제가 온 건..
• You know, my, um... 실은 제..
• I'm really more of a researcher. 실은 연구원 쪽에 더 가깝죠
• Actually, we're thinking of doing something with rockets. 실은.. 로켓 종류를 생각 중이야
• Yeah, ah, actually you called me. 실은 당신이 한거죠
• Well, yeah, actually, I had one. 네, 실은 꿈을 꿨어요
• The car’s sturdy appearance lied. 차의 튼튼한 겉모양은 실은 허울뿐이었다.
• With this prolonged slump, the situation is actually pretty touch-and-go. 불경기가 계속돼서 실은 아슬아슬한 상황이다
• Uh, actually, yeah, they have. 실은 있어
• She's better than fine, actually실은 괜찮은 정도가 아니지
• I'm glad you called, actually. 실은 전화해 줘서 다행이에요



Oct. 15, 2010

Thank you very much!


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