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English Audio Request

241 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments

Thanks Sarahu ,now I am rewriting yesterday`s entry again with your correction.
So~~lang-8 friends, if you find other mistakes please correct them for me. ^^/Thanks for your reading!

Hi, everybody, how are you?
And how was your day? It`s a late night in Seoul now.
Today I was out and about for the whole day.
I had been with my husband`s friend`s wife.
Her husband (my husband`s friend) passed away last March from a sudden illness.
We have to withstand so many unexpected things throughout our lives.
Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
So today I had lunch with her and went to buy some new clothes.
Lately she's started to learn how to play the piano.
I told her that learning something would be good for both her physical and mental health.
I told her that at least while she is learning music she will be happy.

bye~ good night, everybody. *Thanks for reading.
Please correct my mistakes.

Korean Audio=〉

모두 안녕하세요? 여러분 어떠세요? 오늘은 어떻게 보내셨어요?
서울은 깊은 밤입니다.

오늘은 종일 바깥에서 있었어요.
남편 친구의 부인과 함께 있었어요.
그녀의 남편(남편의 친구)는 지난 3월에 갑작스런 병으로 이 세상을 떠났어요.
우리가 살아가는 동안에 정말 예상치 못한 일들이 일어 나곤 하지요.
누가 내일을 알겠어요?

그래서 그녀와 점심을 같이 먹고, 옷도 같이 사러 갔어요.
그녀는 요즘 취미로 피아노를 배우기 시작했어요.
내가 권해 주었답니다, 무언가를 배우는 것이 심신 건강에 참 좋을 거라고요.
그리고 최소한 음악을 배우는 그 순간만은 즐거울테니까요.

모두 안녕히 주무세요.



Sept. 23, 2010

vankrot), Thanks your recording!