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English Audio Request

316 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments


[산책]: [명사] walk; stroll [동사] take a walk; stroll

•공원으로 산책을 나가다 take[go] for a walk in the park / go for a stroll in the park
•아버지는 산책 나가셨다 My father is out for a walk.
•그는 강둑을 따라 산책했다 He strolled along the riverbank.
•밖에 나가서 산책하자 Let's go outside and take a walk. / Let's go for a walk.
•산책하기 딱 좋은 날씨네요 The weather is perfect for a walk. / The weather is just right to go for a walk.
•그녀는 매일 아침 개를 산책시킨다 She walks her dog every morning. / She takes her dog for a walk every morning.
•a walk; a stroll; a promenade; an airing; a constitutional (건강상의) ―하다 take a walk[a stroll, a turn, the air]; walk; stroll; have an outing
•아침 산책 a morning walk
•한 시간 동안의 산책 an hour’s walk
•운동을 위한 산책 a walk for exercise
•산책 나가다 go out for a walk
•정원을 산책하다 take a turn[walk, stroll] in the garden
•멀리 산책가다 take a long walk
•잠깐 산책 나갈까요? How about a short walk?
•산책하다가 잠깐 들렀습니다 I have just dropped in while taking a walk.
•어제는 사장이 개 산책시키는 것까지 나를 시켰다! Yesterday the president even had me walk his dog!

[예문 ]
It was so fine yesterday (that) I went out for a walk. or It was such a fine day yesterday (that) I went out for a walk. 어제는 날씨가 어찌나 좋은지 산책에 나섰다
He is in the habit of going for a walk in the morning.그는 언제나 아침 산책을 한다
My family doctor suggests(to me) that I (should) take a walk every day. 우리집 주치의는 나에게 매일 산책을 하라고 권한다.
What do you say to a walk? or How about going for a walk? 어떻습니까, 산책이나 할까요?
We thought we´d go out for a walk while the sun was shining. 햇볕이 쬐는 동안에 산책을 나가야겠다고 생각했다



Sept. 14, 2010

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