Thank you very much for reading!
<Rolling up in a blanket>(Jnauary.7,2014.)
These are pictures of my dog Jjang-a that I took last night when I was waiting for the traffic light to change. He was siiting in the passenger seat, rolled up in a blanket . =He was sitting in the passenger seat with a blanket wrapped around him.
He was with me because he was jumping and running of joy when I stepped out of house. I could not let him stay at home by himself. I could not ignore his pleasure about going out with me.
Therefore, I took him and went out, but I was afraid he would be cold in the car for 1 hour on a winter night. He is a good boy. He was waiting by quietly by himself. And do you know why his hair looks like a mess? =Do you know why his hair looks so messy?"
We cannot see his long beard because my husband boldly cut off Jjang-a's long beard when he washed Jjang-a a few days ago. I need to groom him as soon as possible. The last picture is a view of Jjang-a lying down on my lap. Look at this mess! @,@; But don't worry about him. I'll groom him soon, although though I don't even know when 'soon' will be.
담요에 둘둘 싸여서 이 사진은 어젯밤 신호등 대기중에 찍은 짱아입니다.
지금 담요에 둘둘 싸여서 조수석레 앉아 있지요
왜냐하면 어제 저녁 내가 문밖을 나서려니 짱아가 너무 좋아 도저히 짱아 혼자 집에 두고 나갈 수가 없었답니다. 짱아의 외출의 즐거움을 도저히 무시할 수가 없었기 때문입니다. 그래서 짱이를 데리고 나가긴 했지만, 겨울밤에 한 시간이 넘도록 자동차에 혼자 두기가 좀 염려되었습니다. 짱아는 정말 착하답니다. 혼자서 조용히 잘 있거든요.
그런데, 아세요? 털이 아주 엉망이지요? 그리고 짱아의 긴 수염이 안 보입니다. 그건 남편이 며칠 전 목욕을 시키며 짱아의 긴 수염을 용감하게 깍아버렸기 때문입니다. 제가 가능한 빠른 시일내에 미용을 해줘야겠어요.
마지막 사진은 짱아가 내 무릎에 누워있는 모습입니다.
진짜 완전 털북성이입니다! 네~ 걱정하지 마세요! 제가 곧 미용을 해 줄거니까요. 비록 그 '곧'이 언제일런지를 잘 모르긴 하지만 말입니다.