<Sampltv -stuffed [stʌft] >
stuffed [stʌft]
1. ~ A (with B) | ~ B (in, into, under, etc. A)
All the drawers were stuffed full of letters and papers.
She had 500 leaflets to stuff into envelopes.
The fridge is stuffed to bursting.
2. [타동사][VN + adv. / prep.]
His hands were stuffed in his pockets.
She stuffed the money under a cushion.
3. [타동사][VN] (음식에) 소를 넣다[채우다]
Are you going to stuff the turkey?
stuffed peppers
4. [타동사][VN] ~ your face ~ sb/yourself (with sth)
He sat at the table stuffing himself.
Don't stuff the kids with chocolate before their dinner.
We stuffed our faces at the party.
5. They had had their pet dog stuffed.
I can't sleep because my nose is so stuffed up.
This pillow is stuffed with feathers.
stuffed [stʌft][형용사] (명사 앞에는 안 씀) (비격식) 잔뜩 먹은, 포식을 한, 배가 너무 부른
1. ~ A (with B) | ~ B (in, into, under, etc. A) (빽빽히) 채워 넣다[채우다]
All the drawers were stuffed full of letters and papers.모든 서랍들에 편지와 서류들이 잔뜩 들어 있었다.
그녀는 500장의 봉투에 광고 전단지들을 채워 넣어야 했다.
She had 500 leaflets to stuff into envelopes.
The fridge is stuffed to bursting.
냉장고는 터질 정도로 가득 차[식품이 잔뜩 들어] 있다.
2. [타동사][VN + adv. / prep.] (재빨리・되는대로) 쑤셔 넣다[쑤셔 박다]
His hands were stuffed in his pockets.
그는 두 손을 호주머니에 쑤셔 넣고 있었다.
She stuffed the money under a cushion.
그녀는 그 돈을 쿠션 아래 쑤셔 박았다.
3. [타동사][VN] (음식에) 소를 넣다[채우다]
Are you going to stuff the turkey?
칠면조 안에 소를 넣을 거예요?
stuffed peppers소를 채운 고추