Thank you very much for your reading!
Good-bye, Betty!(november 3,2013) She left us a while ago. To be more accurate, at around 3:40 AM November 3, 2013 Sunday, beside me. To be more accurate, at around 3:40 AM on Sunday November 3, 2013, beside me. . My husband was sleeping in the bedroom, my son was out with his firends, and just I alone was there next to her in the living room. =My husband was sleeping in the room and my son was out with his friends. I was alone next to her in the living room. Betty suddenly stretched her legs three or four times and breathed hard several times. =Betty suddenly stretched her legs three or four times while gasp for airseveral times I hurrily gave her legs and shoulders a massage with calling her name.
=I quickly gave her legs and shoulders a massage while calling her name. I just hoped that she could hear my voice and could feel the touch of my warm hand, because I believe it will help her leave with happiness. =I just hoped that she could hear my voice and could feel the touch of my warm hand, because I believed that it would help her leave peacefully. Then after- she stopped breathing! I believe she heard my voice, and she felt the feeling of my warm hand, so she could leave peacefully and happily. My husband heard my loud voice and came out and said "Thanks Betty for having been with us for such a long time. Thank you!" =My husband heard my raised voice and went out and said "Thanks, Betty. You have been with us for a long time.Thank you!" I am thankful for Betty. She brought my family happiness for around 14 years and gave us a warm friendship , and now she left her son Jjang-a with my family =She brought happiness to my family for around 14years and we had a warm relationship. Now, she left her son Jjang-a to my family . She was so wise and grateful/thankful. . She just slept for 5 days (1 day at hospital, 4 days at home), and chose to leave on Sunday dawn.
=She has just been sleeping for 5 days (1 day at the hospital, 4 days at home), and chose to leave on Sunday dawn.
How thoughtful she is! Betty understood everything about our famiy.. Thank you Betty! Good bye, Betty! I'll miss you, Betty! You were SoooOoo~~~~ lovely, and really wonderful my friend!
안-녕, 베티! 잘가라 베티야! 베티가 방금 전 우리옆을 떠났습니다. 보다 정확히 말하자면, 2013년 11월 3일 일요일 새벽 3:40 경 내 곁에서 떠나갔습니다. 남편은 방에서 잠이 들었고, 아들은 친구를 만나러 밖에 나가 있었으며, 저 혼자 거실에서 베티옆에 있었습니다. 그러던 중, 베티는 갑자기 다리를 서너번 버둥이며 거친 숨을 몇 번 몰아 쉬었습니다. 나는 서둘러 베티의 어깨와 다리를 주무르며 베티 귀에 입을 대고 베티 이름을 불러주었습니다.
난, 그저~ 단지~ 나의 목소리가 베티에게 들리고, 나의 따스한 온기가 베티에게 전해지기를 바랄뿐이었습니다.
왜-냐-하-면, 내 목소리와 내 체온이 베티가 보다 행복하게 떠날 수 있게 도움이 될거라,진-심-으-로, 믿었기 때문입니다.
그리고 나서, - - - - 베티는 숨을 멎었습니다. 난 베티가 내 목소리를 분명 들었으며, 내 손의 따스한 온기를 느꼈으리라 믿습니다. 그래서 베티가 행복하고 평안하게 떠났으리라 믿습니다. 나의 외침소리에 거실로 달려 나온 남편은 "베티야, 우리와 오래 함게 해 주어서 정말 고맙다. 고마왔다, 베티야, 잘 가라! 라고 베테에게 말을 전했습니다. 나는 베티가 참 고맙습니다! 베티는 우리 가족에게 14년간 기쁨을 가져다 주었고, 따스한 정을 나누었습니다.그리고 이제 베티 아들 짱아를 우리 가족에게 남겨 주고 갔습니다. 베티는 정말 현명하며 고마운 애견입니다. 딱 5일간 잠을 잔 뒤(병원에서 하루, 집에서 4일간), 일요일 새벽에 조용히 떠나기로 결정했거든요. 얼마나 사려 깊은가요! 베티는 마치 모든것을 알아서, 우리 가족을 배려한 듯 합니다. 안-녕, 잘 가, 베티! 그간 고마왔어, 베티야! 부디 잘 가거라 베티야! 너가 보고 싶어지겠지! 넌, 너~~무~~나 도 ~~~ 예-뻤-었-고, 그리고 또 정말정말 우리 가족의 좋은 친구였어!