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English Audio Request

322 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

Thanks for reading! ^^ If you find any mistakes please correct them and read it. Thanks agian! ^^

The entry below was written by one of my kind friends, who wrote it based on my Chinese entry. Maybe some friends already know that my English is not good enough to write in English freely, so I just wrote in Chinese to avoid writing in English when tired. I didn't write in English in my entry last Saturday, either; I just wrote in Chinese. However, one of my kind friends translated my chinese entry into English for me;I am really pleased about that. I appreciate it!  -----(September 29, 2013)----------------------
Today I attended to my friend's daughter wedding. Their whole family are devoted Christians. Therefore celebrating their Catholic wedding ceremony. The mother of the bride is my good friend from university, also the bride is a childhood friend of my son, so to celebrate this special occasion, my son and I went out together to give our best wishes for the future to the bride and groom . I have a feeling that modern wedding ceremonies are heading towards an entertaining, luxurious, and extravagant style. Therefore, I sometimes get a little confused in wedding ceremonies, or sometimes I admire the feeling of rich people. Anyway, today at the wedding venue, their wedding gave me a warm cozy feeling, and the smiles of the bride and the groom made us very happy. The parents of these two families made personal sacrifices necessary to raise their children, and now they're all grown up. Finally, the young married couple are now a new family. It may look simple, but it's not an easy matter. Dear friend, Congratulations! All your hard work has paid-off ff! Today I used my mobile phone to take a few photographs. But I don't know the reason why the image quality of the camera on my phone has changed. As a result, the photos are not clear. I guess you could say I made the best of the unexpected situation.


  • 2013.9.29-Wedding ( recorded by cal57 ), British English

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    Corrected Text

    The entry below was written by one of my kind friends, who wrote it based on my Chinese entry. Maybe some friends already know that my English is not good enough to write in English freely, so I just wrote in Chinese to avoid writing in English when tired. I didn't write in English in my entry last Saturday either, I just wrote in Chinese. However, one of my kind friends translated my chinese entry into English for me. I am really pleased about that. I appreciate it!  -----(September 29, 2013)----------------------
    Today I attended to my friend's daughter's wedding. Their whole family are devoted Christians, therefore they were celebrating their Catholic wedding ceremony. The mother of the bride is my good friend from university. Also the bride is a childhood friend of my son, so to celebrate this special occasion my son and I went out together to give our best wishes for the future, to the bride and groom . I have a feeling that modern wedding ceremonies are heading towards an entertaining, luxurious, and extravagant style. Therefore, I sometimes get a little confused in wedding ceremonies, or sometimes I admire the feeling of rich people. Anyway, today at the wedding venue, their wedding gave me a warm cozy feeling, and the smiles of the bride and the groom made us very happy. The parents of these two families made personal sacrifices necessary to raise their children, and now they're all grown up. Finally, the young married couple are now a new family. It may look simple, but it's not an easy matter. Dear friend, congratulations! All your hard work has paid-off! Today I used my mobile phone to take a few photographs, but I don't know the reason why the image quality of the camera on my phone has changed. As a result, the photos are not clear. I guess you could say I made the best of the unexpected situation.


Oct. 4, 2013

오늘 친구딸 결혼식에 다녀 왔다. 친구가족이 독실한 천주교 신자여서, 성당에서 결혼식을 거행했다. 신부 엄마는 나의 대학교 친구이고, 신부는 아들의 어릴적부터 알고 지낸 친구인지라, 오늘 이 경사를 축하하기 위해, 행복을 향해 첫걸음을 내딛는 신랑 신부를 축하하기 위해, 아들과 함께 나섰다. 내가 보기엔 요즘 많은 결혼식이 오락성 이벤트 성향으로 변하거나, 호화로운분위기로 변해가는 경향이 있는 듯 하다. 그래서 때로는 결혼식이 약간을 혼란스럽기도 하고, 때로는 부를 과시하는 느낌을 받는 경우도 종종 있다. 그러다 보니 가끔 새로운 삶의 첫걸음에 대한 겸손함및 진지함은 오히려 찾기 어려울때도 있기도 한다. 그러나 오늘의 결혼식에서는 우리에게 편안하고 조용한 분위기로, 그리고 신랑신부는 행복한 미소와 진지한 태도가 우리들을 흐뭇하게 해 주었다. 이 젊은 한상의 양쪽 집안은 모두 아주 평범한 가정이다. 이 양쪽집안의 부모는 성심성의껏 자녀를 키웠으며, 이제 그 아이들이 다 자랐다. 이 아이들이 마침내 오늘 새 가정을 이루게 되니, 보기엔 쉬워 보일 수 있어도, 실은 달리 보자면 그리 쉬운 일이이라고만은 할 수 없을 것이다.
친구갸, 그간 수고했다! 오늘 핸드폰으로 사진을 몇 장 찍었다.
그런데 원인은 잘 모르겠지만 요즘 내 핸드폰의 화질이 많이 떨어진 듯 하여, 사진이 그리 선명하지는 못하나 아쉬운대로 봐 주시기 바랍니다.

Oct. 5, 2013

cal57, Thank you so much for your recording and correcing! ^^