-<The Little Prince>-From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ostensibly a children's book, it makes several profound and idealistic points about life and human nature. In it, Saint Exupéry tells of his being stranded in the Sahara Desert, thousands of kilometers away from inhabited places, where he meets a young extraterrestrial (though entirely human-appearing) prince. In their conversations, the author reveals his own views about the follies of mankind and the simple truths that people seem to forget as they grow older.
The essence of the book is contained in the famous line uttered by the fox to the Little Prince: "On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye).
There are also two other main points in the book, both spoken by the fox.
They are: "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed" and "It is the time you have spent with your rose that makes your rose so important."
Throughout the book, a child's view of the world, of the purpose of human life and of relations between people, (as represented by the Little Prince and partially by the narrator), is set off against the grown-ups' view (as revealed in memories of the narrator and in characters that the Little Prince meets on asteroids).
But the author underscores that the "'grown-ups' are like that.
One must not hold it against them. Children should always show great forbearance toward grown-up people
표면상의[진짜] 이유an ostensible[a real] reason
표면상의[편리한] 변명an ostensible[a convenient] excuse
to the eye표면상으로는
in name only명목상, 이름뿐인, 표면상
on the face of it보기에는, 표면상으로 보면
an ostensible reason표면상의 이유
on the mere face of it겉으로만 보아도, 언뜻 보기에는, 표면상
Allegedly corrupt officials are being purged. (출처: 세계일보 WT논평)
표면상으로는 부패 공무원들을 숙청한다는 것이다.
Because of this, despite superficially appearing like a spider each "leg" is somewhat autonomous. (출처: 세계일보 WT논평)
표면상으로는 거미와 비슷함에도 불구하고 불가사리의 다리 하나하나는 어느 정도 자립적이다.
That was just an excuse. (출처: 웹검색 예문)
그건 단지 표면상일 뿐이죠
To[By] all appearances they were not hostile. (출처: 동아 프라임 한영사전)
표면상으로는 그들은 적대적이지 않았다
It also shows that although Chinese officials ostensibly value better relations with the Vatican, their motivation is self-serving. (출처: 세계일보 WT사설)
이는 또한, 중국 정부 관리들이 바티칸과의 관계개선을 표면상으로 중요시함에도 불구하고 중국 측의 동기가 이기적이란 것을 드러낸다.
At face value, USCAP comes off as a mutually beneficial partnership between big business and environmental groups. (출처: 세계일보 WT논평)
표면상으로 이 단체는 대기업과 환경단체 사이에 상호이익이 되는 협력관계를 실현한 것이다.