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English Audio Request

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Comic Books, Newspapers, to Novels

Part I: Reading
I really enjoy reading in my free, but my mood often determines what I read.
I enjoy comic books; it usually is light reading, and the stories aren't very long, but some comics really reflect daily life in my culture. I also like to skim the newspaper every day to find out what's happening in the world. This keeps me up to date on current local and international events. Because I don't have much time to read, I generally skip over the editorial section of the newspaper and read the business and sports sections. Every once in a while, I take the time to read a good novel if time permits. Overall, reading helps me not only stay in touch with the world but it also gives me a chance to relax.

Part II: Discussion
What types of materials do you enjoy reading for pleasure? Do you enjoy reading in English? Why or why not? What things can you do to improve your reading skills?

Part III: Online Investigation
The Internet now contains a very large collection of materials to choose from for reading, including classic novels and newspapers. Search online for a newspaper from your country that is in English. Find a current event story happening in your country, summarize the content, and discuss the topic in a group.

~★Thanks for your recording~★
He determined to learn English.(보다 일반적)
very determined 아주 확고한.
determined fierce resistance완강한[심한] 저항
bound and determined확고한 계획이 있는
a plebiscite to determine the status of a territory영토권을 결정하는 국민 투표.
a referendum to determine the status of a territory영토의 지위를 결정할 국민투표
ascertain an etymology어원을 조사하다.
bitter opposition강력한[단호한] 반대.
제가 결정한self-determined
단호한[완강한] 저항determined[stubborn] resistance
습도를 재다determine the humidity
위도를 측정하다determine the latitude
억척스럽다tough; determined; relentless
결연한 태도a determined attitude
과단한resolute; decisive; determined
속력 측정을 하다determine the velocity of
태도를 결정하다determine one´s attitude
확고한[현실적] 목표a determined[realistic] goal
운명을 결정하다decide[determine] the destiny of
추첨으로 순서를 결정하다choose[determine] turns by lot
reflect 숙고하다, 반성하다; 나쁜 영향을 미치다; 반영하다; 반사하다.
1. reflect closely 면밀하게 생각하다
reflect seriously 진지하게 생각하다.
2. reflect on[upon] …을 반성하다.
reflect on one’s past mistakes 과거의 실수를 반성하다.
3. reflect on (신용․명예 따위)에 나쁜 영향을 초래하다.
Her unfounded accusations reflected on her credibility. 그녀의 근거없는 비난이 그녀의 신용을 떨어뜨렸다.
4. reflect on …을 반영하다.
Her actions reflect well on her upbringing. 그녀의 행동이 그녀의 가정교육을 잘 반영한다.
5. reflect on …에 (신용․불명예 따위를) 초래하다.
The team’s victory reflected credit on the coach. 팀의 승리로 코치의 명성이 올라 갔다.
6. Does this answer reflect how you feel? 이 대답이 당신의 감정을 반영한 것입니까?


  • Reading(Comic Books, Newspapers, to Novels) ( recorded by HaikuKane ), American (Southern)

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