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English Audio Request

446 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments

<BBB Korea>
BBB KoreaBBB was launched in 2002 as a citizens??participation program (Joong Ang Ilbo) to facilitate the successful hosting of the FIFA World Cup 2002 Korea/Japan. It was engaged in various language-related services for over 25,000 people in the first 2 months during the World Cup. Originally planned as an independent organization, after the World Cup, BBB Campaign management was transferred from the Joongang Ilbo to the Organizing Committee for Visit Korea Year. BBB gained approval as being an established corporation since, and became a subdivision of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in May, 2003.
To date, nearly 4,000 volunteers across Korea provide interpretation services in 18 different languages 24/7 through mobile phones. It helped contribute to Korea?셲 national image as a warm-hearted and well prepared nation , thriving as a global country.

What is bbb?BBB stands for ?Before Babel Brigade?? ?Before Babel??means the time before the construction of the Tower of Babel. ? Trigade??means a group of people organized for a specific purpose. According to the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, people began to question their faith after the Great Flood. Noah's descendants started to build an immense tower named ?The Tower of Babel??to reach all the way up to Heaven, in order to challenge the glory of God. But God was upset with their rebellious plans, and made all the construction-workers start speaking different languages. They became confused in their work, progress halted, and the great tower collapsed. The people fell and scattered across the face of the earth with their new languages, and thus began the origin of the world?셲 linguistic diversity. The term ?Babel??has come to mean "confusion of different languages?? and this story became famous, forewarning people: when people can?셳 understand each other, work cannot be accomplished and disasters can happen.
So, "Before Babel Brigade" (BBB) refers to the ideal, mythical time before the construction of that tower, when the people of the Earth shared a common language. BBB interpreters aim to break down these language obstacles, working as a group of volunteers who share a common vision of a society free from cultural and language barriers.

bbb LogoThe logo is like a tree, a symbol of organic connection that replaces the Babel Tower image. The branches are shaped like '?? to symbolize network and communication. The tree-like logo evolves to become the existing form-oriented direction of lines, showing their embrace through the powers of connection.
This emphasizes the importance of mutual understanding in our daily lives. The BBB campaign symbol was designed by graphic designer Ahn Sang-su, a professor at the Visual Communication Department of Hongik University's College of Fine Arts and Design.---

BBBkorea Home page:



April 21, 2012

Thanks "Bazzboa" _♪♪~


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