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English Audio Request

156 Words / 1 Recordings / 4 Comments

(April 6th 2012) If you are swimming in this mini swimming pool。。。。

I found this news article on an internet site.
If you are swimming in this mini swimming pool, how would you feel?

What? Build a mini pool instead of a balcony in a high-rise apartment building?
In Mumbai India, there are many pros and cons presented concerning this high-rise apartment building`s design.

"Do not install a diving board in a pool."
Architects surprise the world with a drastic design again.
It is just a mini pool made by using transparent glass instead of a balcony.
England daily mail said that this surprising apartment has been under construction since August 2008 in Mumbai India.
(=England daily mail said that construction began on this surprising apartment on August 2008 in Mumbai India.)
(=England daily mail said that this surprising apartment has been in progress since August 2008 in Mumbai India.)

What do you think about this?



April 7, 2012

(2012.4.5)헉! 고층 아파트에 발코니 대신 풀장을…”
인도 뭄바이의 한 고층 주거타워 디자인 놓고 찬반양론 ‘팽팽’

‘풀장에 다이빙대는 설치하지 마세요!’
건축가들이 과감한 디자인으로 다시 한 번 세상을 놀라게 했다.
바로 고층 주거타워에 발코니 대신 투명유리로 물을 가둔 미니 풀장을 만든 것.

영국 데일리메일은 3일(현지시간) 발코니 대신 수영장을 설치한 놀라운 아파트가
지난 2008년 8월부터 인도 뭄바이에 건설되고 있다고 보도했다.
여러분은 어떻게 생각하세요?

April 7, 2012

(2012.4.5)什么?在公寓里 游泳池代替了阳台。。。

关于印度 孟买 [Mèngmǎi]的居住高楼的设计,大家的意见不一.
“在游泳池里不用设计跳台 [tiàotái]吧!”
这是在高层的居住大楼用透明的玻璃堵水[dǔ shuǐ]代替阳台设计的迷你游泳池。
据英国的天天日报(데일리메일)报道,这样的神奇的公寓在孟买 [Mèngmǎi]从2008年8月起开始建筑。
37层的这座建筑叫Aquaria Grande,是由在香港活动的建筑家James 로和印度的와드와建筑公司合作建筑的.

April 10, 2012

Thank you very much, RyomaPiano!


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