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English Audio Request

292 Words / 1 Recordings / 5 Comments

Mar 28th 2010 <济州岛“偶来” (제주도의 '올레'/Jeju 'Olle' )>
"Olle" [Ole] is the Jeju word for a narrow pathway that is connected from the street to the front gate of a house. Hence, "Olle" is a path that comes out from a secret room to an open space and a gateway to the world. If the road is connected, it is linked to the whole island and the rest of the world as well. It has the same sound as "Would you come?" in Korean, so Jeju's "Olle" sounds the same as 'Would you come to Jeju?'.

Jeju Olle's founder Suh, Myungsook used to be the chief editor of a weekly news magazine. She worked hard as a journalist, but after struggling to reach her dream job for twenty years and then being at the top of her profession for another fifteen years, she needed a rest. She was exhausted and her mind felt empty, so she set herself a new goal. She hoped that she could walk the road to Santiago (Camino de Santiago - 800km pilgrimage from France to Spain). Eventually she made her pilgrimage in September, 2006. She met a British woman at the end of the trip and they promised to share their comforts and happiness on the road with others when they returned to their homelands.
She returned to her hometown, Jeju Island in Korea, and she decided to make a hiking trail that would be loved by walkers from all over the world. She and her team (a few volunteers) tried to find the hidden roads of Jeju, searching for lanes that cars cannot access, restoring old paths and creating new roads for hikers to explore.

The first trail route was opened to the public in Septem


  • Jeju 'Olle'济州岛“偶来” /제주도의 '올레'/ ( recorded by gcaplan ), Slight Scottish accent

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March 24, 2012


March 24, 2012

济州岛“偶来”的创始人徐明淑董事长,是时事周刊的前任总编辑。作为一名新闻工作者,她满腔热情勤奋工作。她从小梦想的职业就是记者,而成为记者后她努力奋斗了20年;之后又作为时事周刊的第一位女性总编辑,站在新闻工作者的顶峰度过了5年。她精疲力尽,心灵空虚,迫切需要休息。她希望树立一个新的人生目标。想要走遍圣地亚哥朝圣者之路(Camino de Santiago,是从法国到西班牙的总共800公里的路)的她,2006年10月在圣地亚哥终于实现了她的这个梦想。那次徒步朝圣之旅即将结束时,她结识了一位来自英国的女性,她们约好回国以后要与人们一起分享她们在路上得到的安慰和幸福。


March 24, 2012
Explore Routes-


March 27, 2012

济州偶来的主页 :
中文的 in Chinese:
in English :

偶来-浏览线路-/Explore Routes/-


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