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English Audio Request

165 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

This article is written to those with longstanding depression, which has not responded adequately to treatment. The core message is that intensive treatment can wipe out in the most apparently stubborn cases of depression. Do not give up!

Like most medical illnesses, most depressions are mild to moderate in severity, and most depressions resolve over a number of months, with treatment by therapy and / or medication, reducing the duration of the illness, and improving the final result. However, about 10% of depressions become long lasting (in medical jargon, chronic illness is long lasting illness, while acute illness is short-term illness). Vigorous intensive treatment of depression will hopefully eradicate depression before it has time to dig in. Unfortunately, the longer depression is left without being fully eradicated, the more our brains learn to prolong the illness, or cause it to happen repeatedly, a process known as kindling.

Here are some useful tips for dealing with prolonged or chronic depression, which has been resistant to treatment.




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