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English Audio Request

182 Words / 1 Recordings / 4 Comments

Talk to your doctor about what kind of exercise is right for you. The type of exercise you can do will mainly depend on whether you have any other health problems. Most doctors recommend aerobic exercise, which makes you breathe more deeply and makes your heart work harder. Examples of aerobic exercise include walking, jogging, aerobic dance or bicycling. If you have problems with the nerves in your feet or legs, your doctor may want you to do a type of exercise that won't put too much stress on your feet. These exercises include swimming, bicycling, rowing or chair exercises.

No matter what kind of exercise you do, you should warm up before you start and cool down when you're done. To warm up, spend 5 to 10 minutes doing a low-intensity exercise such as walking. Then gently stretch for another 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat these steps after exercising to cool down.

When you start an exercise program, go slowly. Gradually increase the intensity and length of your workout as you get more fit. Talk to your doctor for specific advice.



Feb. 5, 2011

Wow, this one was a bit hard for me to record. I kept stumbling and re-recording it. The word "aerobic exercise" and "exercise" is a bit hard to say many times, haha. ^_^

Feb. 5, 2011

But this recording was a perfect one. I was recently diagnosed with diabetes type 2 at the age of 28. I was improving my awareness about the disease. I am an ESL learner as well. So I was shooting two birds with one stone. Also, your accent is very nice and clear.

Feb. 5, 2011

Oh no, I hope you're doing alright? I really like these educational tidbits you post. Are they from articles? And also, thanks. I was afraid that taking up all of your posts. But if it's helpful, then I'm glad I can help. :)

Feb. 5, 2011

Yes, they are from articles. I like listening to stuff that I have just read so that I can internalize correct pronunciation of each word.

Yes. Diabetes is a serious disease. My sugar level is still high but Im taking prescribed meds, controlling over my diet and following a strict excercise plan. I got my finger injured two months ago and my sugar level was way too high so you know what, it has not been healed properly since then. I still have swelling and pain on my finger.

my honest advice is, avoid sedentary lifestyle, get involved physically and watch our for your diet intake.

It is a hassle now for me to watch out for my diet intake, to take pills daily and to excercise.

All in all, if your health is in jeopardy, then other things are secondary in this world, so do take care of your health.

Pls, try to record all my recordings whenever you feel like, sometimes I wait for a few days to get my recordings done here so I'll have to wait for posting other stuff.


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