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English Audio Request

145 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

According to research, learners need opportunities to practice language at their level of English language competency. This practice with English-speaking peers is called Comprehensible Output. Many researchers feel that comprehensible output is nearly as important as input. Cooperative learning groups are one way for new learners of English to receive plenty of understandable input and output. Here are some reasons why.

1.A small group setting allows for more comprehensible input because the teacher or classmates modify or adapt the message to the listener’s needs.

2.Speakers can more easily check on the understanding of the listener.

3.There is more opportunity for oral practice and for repetition of content information as peers help new learners of English negotiate meaning.

4.Student talk in this small group is centered on what is actually happening at the moment as the task is completed.

5.Feedback and correction are non-judgmental and immediate.




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