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English Audio Request

217 Words / 2 Recordings / 3 Comments
Note to recorder:

This is a continuuim list of 100 words.

(adj.) extremely joyful, happy (The crowd was jubilant when the firefighter carried the woman from the flaming building.)

(n.) the solemn sound of a bell, often indicating a death (Echoing throughout our village, the funeral knell made the grey day even more grim.)

(adj.) graceful, flexible, supple (Although the dancers were all outstanding, Joanna’s control of her lithe body was particularly impressive.)

(adj.) ghastly, sensational (Barry’s story, in which he described a character torturing his neighbour's tortoise, was judged too lurid to be published on the English Library's website.)

(n.) an independent, nonconformist person (John is a real maverick and always does things his own way.)

(n.) a common saying expressing a principle of conduct (Ms. Stone’s etiquette maxims are both entertaining and instructional.)

(adj.) extremely careful with details (The ornate needlework in the bride’s gown was a product of meticulous handiwork.)

(n.) a small amount of something (Refusing to display even a modicum of sensitivity, Magda announced her boss’s affair to the entire office.)

(adj.) gloomy or sullen (David’s morose nature made him very unpleasant to talk to.)

(adj.) consisting of a very great number (It was difficult to decide what to do on Saturday night because the city presented us with myriad possibilities for fun.)



Sept. 14, 2010

Do you want the definitions to be read as well, or just the words themselves?

Sept. 14, 2010

definitions,examples, everything that is written as it is.

Only this list is left. All lists have been recorded and am listening to them on my ipod daily. Really helped to cement these words into my memory.

Sept. 15, 2010

I messed up the word 'presented' near the end. Also, I don't know if you were hoping for a US accent but I'm sure someone will do one soon anyway. :D


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