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English Audio Request

76 Words / 2 Recordings / 3 Comments

The term "macroeconomics" stems from a similar usage of theterm "macrosystem" by the Norwegian economist Ragnar Frisch in 1933. and there was a long existing effort to understand many of the broad elements of the field. It fused and extended the earlier study of business fluctuations and monetary economics.

Mark Blaug, a notable historian of economic thought, proclaimed in his "Great Economists before Keynes: 1986" that Swedish economist Knut Wicksell “more or less founded modern macroeconomics”.


  • Development of macroeconomic theory ( recorded by Treed ), North American

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  • Development of macroeconomic theory ( recorded by Treed ), North American

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Aug. 26, 2010

Sorry, the audio recorded weirder than expected.

Aug. 26, 2010

It was pretty okay. I had no problem understanding you while reading the text at the same time. However, it would have been nicer if you had spoken a bit louder.

Aug. 26, 2010

I recorded another. It's not particularly loud, but it should be clearer than the last.

I'll have to play with the recording settings when I get used to Audacity.