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Teenagers are difficult to persuade to do anything. According to advertisers, they’re cynical, obsessed by image and the approval of others.
It’s difficult to sell to teenagers, but advertising companies love them. Why? Because they buy a lot of things. 76% of US teens spend up to 4 hours at the mall each weekend. If you want to sell them anything or persuade them to do something, you’ve got to be cool or dramatic or they won’t pay any attention. Teens spend a large amount on clothes and technology but they make the decision about what to buy based on what their friends have, or what the cool kids have. Designer brands are very popular but the brands that teens like can change quickly.
One of the most common tactics to sell to teenagers is to use their idols. America’s famous “got milk” ads, in which a celebrity has a milk moustache, has continued for years, saying how good it is for you. And in Pepsi’s advertisements with Britney Spears, the message is easy. Drink this and be sexy.
Some ads are simply loved because they are funny. You’ll remember them even if you don’t buy the product. Two years ago lots of people were saying “Wassup!” mimicking the Budweiser beer adverts. Playstation decided to choose strange adverts. Sony advertised the Xbox with the phrase “Play more”, showing images of how boring life could be without video games. Benetton decided to use shocking images and people started talking about them immediately. There were no pictures of woollen clothing but these advertisements were the most successful and famous of all.