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English Audio Request

190 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Would it be possible to record the following text not too fast please (with the title and the numbers)? If you see any mistakes, don't hesitate to modify! Thank you so much!

Six people are at the castle – who are they?

1. This person has worked for Mrs Peacock for 40 years now. She lives here at the castle but in a really tiny bedroom by the kitchen.
2. This person is quite short, wears glasses and always dresses with a bow. He likes gambling and unfortunately, he tends to play more money than he actually has!
3. This person loves drawing and painting. She used to live in the castle with her husband but since he died, she has lived alone with her maid. She is very wealthy.
4. This person is young and pretty. She would like to work as an actress but she can’t find any jobs at the moment. Consequently, she is rather broke.
5. This person is well-known in the business world. He represents incredibly rich people. He is well off himself since he owns 3 houses and even a yacht!
6. This person has white hair, a beard and a moustache. He used to work in the army but he has been retired for 10 years now. He is secretly in love with Mrs Peacock.


  • Six people are at the castle – who are they? ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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    Corrected Text

    Six people are at the castle – who are they?

    1. This person has worked for Mrs Peacock for 40 years now. She lives here at the castle but in a really tiny bedroom by the kitchen.
    2. This person is quite short, wears glasses and always dresses with a bow. He likes gambling and unfortunately, he tends to play more money than he actually has!
    3. This person loves drawing and painting. She used to live in the castle with her husband but since he died, she has lived alone with her maid. She is very wealthy.
    4. This person is young and pretty. She would like to work as an actress, but she can’t find a job at the moment. Consequently, she is rather broke.
    5. This person is well-known in the business world. He represents incredibly rich people. He is well off himself since he owns 3 houses and even a yacht!
    6. This person has white hair, a beard, and a moustache. He used to work in the army but he has been retired for 10 years now. He is secretly in love with Mrs. Peacock.



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