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English Audio Request

150 Words / 2 Recordings / 0 Comments

People who break the law go to prison. While they are in prison, they watch television, read books, play some sports and usually do some boring jobs. Many of them stay there for a long time.

It's expensive because it costs almost $40,000 a year to keep each prisoner. To cut these costs, prisons in Australia have started teaching prisoners new skills: how to make model animals which tourists want to buy. Each prisoner can make ten models a day. They sell the models for around forty dollars each.

It's a great idea! The prisoners enjoy making these things. People like buying things made by prisoners. The prisons make a lot of money from the sale of the models. Everyone wins!

Some of the prisoners have decided to start their own business when they get out of prison. Other countries are thinking of doing the same thing as Australia too.




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