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English Audio Request

174 Words / 2 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please make two separate recordings - the first with your natural speed and the second with your slow one - so that my students are able to imitate your pronunciation. Please read the numbers and letters as well. Thank you!

Unit 5: Food and Health - Lesson 4: Vocabulary and Listening | Adjectives: Health

Health quiz

1. It’s 6 p.m. and you’re really hungry. What’s best?
a. Eat some snacks.
b. Don’t eat. Wait for dinner.
c. Go to a restaurant before dinner.

2. You’re thirsty. What drink is the healthiest?
a. water
b. juice
c. cola

3. Your temperature is 39°C. Are you ill?
a. No, you’re well.
b. Yes, you’re very ill. Go to a doctor now!
c. You aren’t well. Go home and go to bed.

4. You can run 100 metres in eleven seconds. Are you …?
a. unfit
b. normal
c. really fit

5. You can’t sleep and you’re tired every morning. What’s best?
a. Don’t go to bed late.
b. Eat a lot before you go to bed.
c. Don’t go to school. Sleep more.

6. What is a couch* potato?
a. a vegetable
b. a person who is very lazy and stays on the sofa a lot
c. a person who is very hungry

*couch = sofa



March 8, 2022

Hello again!
Version 2 may have been a little too slow. Also, I wasn't sure if you wanted me to include "couch=sofa" at the end.

April 25, 2022

Thank you so much! I'm very pleased with your recordings.


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