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English Audio Request

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CLIL | Natural science: Animals

Vertebrates are animals with backbones. The following groups are the different types of vertebrates

Fish are cold-blooded animals and they live in water. They have got scales and fins. They haven’t got lungs. They have got gills instead.

All mammals are warm-blooded and they feed their babies milk. Most mammals live on land, for example humans and dogs. However, some mammals, like whales, live in water, but they haven’t got gills. Mammals have all got lungs.

Birds live on land, but some of them look for food in water. They have got feathers, two legs and two wings. Some birds like ostriches and kiwis can’t fly. All birds lay eggs.

When amphibians are young, they live in water and they haven’t got lungs. When they are adult, they have got lungs and four legs, for example, frogs and toads.

Most reptiles live on land. They have got lungs and scales, but not gills. They haven’t got any wings or feathers, and they haven’t got any hair. They are cold-blooded animals and many of them live in warm places.




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