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English Audio Request

129 Words / 3 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Note: Alexander Graham Bell was not the true investor of the telephone. The real one was Antonio Meucci, a poor Italian American. [The following text was from our national textbook which has been in place for twenty years.]



On March 3, 1847, Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh. He was a Scotsman although he later emigrated, first to Canada and then to the USA in the 1870s.

In America, he worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University. Soon, Bell started experimenting with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance. This led to the invention of the telephone.

Bell and his assistant, Thomas Watson, conducted many experiments and finally came up with a device that they first introduced in 1876. Bell said on the telephone: ‘Mr. Watson, come here. I want you.’ This was the first telephone message.

Traveling all over America, Bell demonstrated his invention to the public at countless exhibitions, and by 1877 the first telephone was in commercial use.




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