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English Audio Request

474 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

Your English friend, Harry, has sent you an email asking you to inform him about your university. Read Harry’s email and then reply to his letter.

Hi Jarda,
hopefully you are doing fine. Last week I was in the pub with some friends of mine and we were chatting about you a bit. We’ve all known you for some time but none of us knows which university you are studying at. Did you always plan to go to university or were you just influenced by someone like I was? Do you have to pay fees for your studies just like us in Britain? It is not really cheap if you want to study here. It is a matter of money, I had to get a loan from the bank. I’ve heard that in your country everybody can study for free. Is it true? And what about the posibility of getting a scholarship from your university? On the one hand, we have to pay fees for our studies, but on the other hand, if we get good results, we get a „bloody“ good scholarship. Sorry, you might have told me, but anyway, which year are you in at university?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

Hi Harry,
I am doing fine, thanks. How dare you forget what I´ve already told you? It seems to me that you did not listen to me at all. Sorry, I am just pulling your know me. I can assure you that I forget a lot nowadays since I am not young anymore and time flies.
Anyway, my plan had always been to become educated enough to get a good job, therefore I went to university. I dare say, I had been influenced by my parents since they are not educated and wanted me to study for a better future, for my own good.
By the way, I graduated from the Technical University of Liberec in 2008 with a master’s degree. Now, I am in my second year at the same university doing a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering. I’ve actually been in England since September 2009 as an exchange Erasmus student.
Fortunately, in the Czech Republic there are not any fees, it is great, isn’t it? A lot of foreigners go to the Czech Republic in order to study. It is also possible to get a scholarship as long as you do pretty well. Unfortunately I didn’t get a scholarship, my results were not good enough to get one. I enjoyed being a student, but I believe that if I had made a bigger effort I would obviously have had good results and a good scholarship as well, but I didn’t mind since I realised that life is too short to be stressed all the time.
By the way, say Hello to your friends
Take care.




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