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English Audio Request

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"The Eleventh Hour" is an episode of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It was first broadcast on BBC One and BBC HD on 3 April 2010.

The newly regenerated Doctor struggles to steer the damaged TARDIS back to Earth, landing in the backyard of young Amelia Pond in Leadworth, a small village near Gloucester. Amelia becomes fond of the Doctor's oddness as she feeds him and shows him a scary crack in the wall of her room. The Doctor determines the crack is a crack in time and space itself, the other side housing an Atraxi prison. When the Doctor attempts to open the crack with his sonic screwdriver, the Atraxi send him a telepathic message that “Prisoner Zero has escaped" before they close the crack. The Doctor attempts to find the prisoner believing him to be at the edge of his vision, but is interrupted by the TARDIS’s Cloister Bell; he must take the TARDIS into the future to prevent its engines from overheating. He promises Amelia he will be back in five minutes; while he is gone, she packs a suitcase and waits for the Doctor.

The TARDIS rematerialses some time later at the same location. When he cannot find Amelia, he enters the house to find what he caught earlier; a door covered by a perception filter, but before he can enter it, he knocked out by someone using a cricket bat. He wakes up to find a policewoman having handcuffed him to a radiator. He soon learns she is actually Amelia - now going by the name Amy, the outfit as part of her kissogram job; it has been twelve years since he left, and Amy is quite upset at the Doctor for leaving her waiting that long. The Doctor is able to make Amy see the door through the perception filter, but cannot stop her entering it. Inside, Amy briefly sees the natural form of Prisoner Zero, the only form the Atraxi can detect, before she escapes with the Doctor's sonic screwdriver which has been damaged from Prisoner Zero's examination of it. He releases himself and with Amy escapes the house as the Atraxi begin broadcasting across all forms of communication that they will destroy the "human residence" unless Prisoner Zero is located in twenty minutes. The Doctor realizes this doesn't mean Amy's house, but the Earth itself. With the TARDIS sealed as it repairs itself, the Doctor must resort to conventional means to save the world.

The Atraxi isolate Earth and begin their search. The Doctor meets Amy's friend Rory, a nurse at the local hospital, and discovers from him that Prisoner Zero is able to take the form of any dormant person that it has established a psychic connection with, those of several coma patients in Rory's care. When they see Prisoner Zero nearby, the Doctor uses the sonic screwdriver to try and attract the Atraxi. The screwdriver is destroyed before the Atraxi arrive, and Prisoner Zero retreats back to the hospital. The Doctor directs Amy and Rory to the hospital to save the people inside while he gains the help of another of Amy's friends, Jeff, and his laptop to intercede in a video conference of several world experts discussing the issue. The Doctor gives both Jeff and the experts additional instructions, then commandeers a fire truck and races to the hospital.

Amy and Rory, after clearing the hospital, run into Prisoner Zero in another human disguise; the Doctor arrives in time to save them. He reveals that he has used a virus carried on a mobile phone to broadcast the message of repeated zeroes across all forms of media with the help of Jeff and the experts. The Atraxi, seeing this message, are able to center on the source of the virus - the phone the Doctor carries, which also carries photos of the patients it has linked to so that the Atraxi can identify it. Prisoner Zero reveals it has yet one more psychic link it has developed over the years; it takes the form of young Amelia holding the Doctor's hand, which causes Amy to fall into a deep sleep. The Doctor realises that Prisoner Zero is using Amy's dreams to create the disguise, and helps Amy's subconscious to dream of the natural form of Prisoner Zero she saw in her house, forcing Prisoner Zero to disguise itself as its own form. Before the Atraxi transport the being away, Prisoner Zero taunts the Doctor about the source of the cracks in time and space, and warns him that "the Pandorica will open, silence will fall". The Atraxi leave Earth, but the Doctor forces them to return. After dressing in a new outfit from the hospital's locker room in order to properly greet them, the Doctor tells the Atraxi that threatening to destroy the Earth could be punished by the Shadow Proclamation, and warns them that he is the protector of Earth and they should never return.

After the Atraxi leave, the Doctor finds the TARDIS key is hot, indicating it has finished repairs, and runs off to take it for a ride before Amy can catch up to him. The Doctor arrives back at Amy's house, now two more years since their last meeting; the Doctor apologizes for it and, after letting her inside the TARDIS, offers her to join him on adventures across space and time. Amy is willing but insists she must be back by "tomorrow morning", revealed to the viewer as being her wedding day.




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