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English Audio Request

619 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

My days are usually full of activities and duties and so I have only a little free time for myself.
On weekdays I get u pat half past six, although I would like to sleep much longer. When I get up I do my morning routine of washing my face, brushing my teeth and then deciding what to take on. After I get dressed I brush my hair. Then I have breakfast. My mom usually prepares some bread or cake for me and I prepare tea. Sometimes I also eat yogurt and muesli. After breakfast it is time to leave for university.
I often go to the university by bus, although it is not so far. It takes me about ten minutes by bus or twenty minutes on foot. But I am always in a hurry in the morning, so I prefer to go by bus.
My lessons start at eight. Each lesson takes 45 minutes and then there is a 10-minute break. Between the second and third lessons there is a bigger break, which lasts 20 minutes. This allows more time to walk around or have a small snack.
Our lessons take place either in our classroom, in various labs or a gym. The schedule is different every day. Sometimes we have afternoon classes, seminars or driving lessons.
At noon students usually go for lunch in the canteen. The food is not very good, but it is cheap and fast. Some of my friends prefer to bring sandwiches from home, but it would not be enough for me. I like to have a hot lunch.
When university is over, I usually walk home. It gives me time to relax. I often go with my friends, we talk and laugh.
When I come home, I must first walk the dog. It is my daily responsibility. Often I also do some shopping. In the afternoon there is time for my hobbies. On Mondays and Wednesdays I play softball. On Thursdays I take photography lessons as I am an amateur photographer. On Tuesdays I study German. My only free afternoon is Friday.
Dinner at my home usually starts at seven o’clock. This is the time when the whole family comes together. We talk about the day’s events and about future plans.
After dinner I do my homework and prepare for university. When I am finished, I watch some TV, read a book or listen to music. Then I take a shower and go to bed. I usually go to sleep by eleven o’clock. On weekdays I rarely go out in the evening but sometimes, mostly on Fridays, I go out with my friends to the cinema.
On weekends my program is quite different. I can sleep as long as I wish, usually till ten o’clock. Then I have some breakfast. After breakfast I do some things for university or help my mother with housework. In the afternoon I often have softball matches. If not, I spend a lot of time with my friends. We ride bikes or just walk around or go to coffee bars. When the weather is nice I go with my parents to our cottage. I like to walk in the forest and take photos of nature. Sometimes my parents want me to help them in the garden, but I do not like it very much. In winter I go skating or skiing.
In the morning I go with my friends to rock concerts or to the disco or sometimes we have a party. I can go to bed late.
I like my life full of activity and I am never bored. I hope that in the future I will always have time for my hobbies and sports.


  • My daily routine ( recorded by Pasokon ), Midwestern American English, Neutral Spanish

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