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English Audio Request

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Today is June 24, 2010. It is 5:15 in the morning, and it is the ninth day that I am writing in my diary. Just a note: this is from the previous day, June 23.
Well, yesterday morning, before I went to bed, I wrote a note in my diary about my statistics for the previous week and did not write about routine stuff which I did during the day before yesterday. Fortunately, It was nothing so exciting to write about anyway.
I have already mentioned several times that I have been a night owl lately and that I get up in the aftrnoon. So, yesterday it was a change a little bit. I woke up at 10 in the morning. I dont know why - maybe I was so curious what new emails I got that I wanted to have a look at them. Unfortunately, nothing exciting, so I fell asleep again and got up at 1 o'clock in the afternoon.
After that, I wrote the fourth note in my diary in German. It took over one hour to write approximately 100 words. But, I was writing (maybe chating) with my friend while writing the note. I mean, it is said that men cant do multi-tasking - more actions at the same time and it is also said that women can do it quite easily. So, when I write with someone via Skype or MSN, I cant concentrate properly on doing other things. But when I finished, I was satisfied because the text which I wrote was quite longer then the texts before. I am glad that my German is being improved, but I must be patiend..just like with English.
Anyway, today, I cut my hair with the cut machine which I bought when I arrived in England. I have already used it several times and I thing it was worth buying it. I have spent some money, because going to hairdresser is quite expensive. I know that going three times to hairdresser is the same price like for my cut machine and I have already cut my hair more than three times. After I finished cutting my hair, I had to do the vacuuming the carpet, because the hair was everywhere.
But I did not mind, because the carped needed the vacuuming anyway.

At 5p.m. I had a conversation with a british tutor Harry. I told him about my statistics for the previous week and how usefull it can be. We also spoke about my friend from the Czech Republic. I recomended him to use the LingQ system and I also recomended him to pick Harry as a tutor. So they had their first conversation yesterday. Harry said that my friend was shy. Sure, he was. I mean, everyone is shy talking in a forein language and it was his first conversation via Internet, so everyone would be shy or afraid of mistakes. I havent spoken with my friend about his first conversation but I think that he liked it, because I saw that he signed up for the next conversation with Harry. Conversations on Lingq are great that you always get a conversation reporst (feedback) with mistakes which you did in your conversation, or some suggestion, etc. It is very helpfull and a lot of people can improve their language skills thanks to this feedback. However, not everyone gives a good feedback. Someone sends a feedback where is "keep up your affort, I did not notice any mistake". Yeah, great, but I dont think that I would not do any mistake while speaking. The point is that I did a list of all tutors of Lingq and wrote some note about each tutor on Lingq - how he or she is good, if there are some benefits or so on. To be totaly honest, everyone likes benefits. Some tutors just end a conversation after 15 minutes and thats all. Sure, it should be in this way, but some tutors have some benefits..for example - they speak longer with their students, they even chat with their students when they dont have any conversation, or other things. I think that everyone would pick a tutor who has some benefits rather than a normal tutor. So I told my friend about everyone since I have already spoken to many tutors on Lingq.
But anyway, my housemate did the gardening day before yesterday, because he really likes it and yesterday he painted the garage wall, because he wanted it to look better. I did not help him with it, because I did not want to be messy and I dont have any reason anyway. I mean, I will get back to the Czech Republick in 2-3 months, so no point to do some garthening or painting or whatever. I rather spend my time with learning languages which I will certainly need in the near future.
Tomorrow, I will have a group conversation with Helen and a French speaking women living in Canada which I already know from several previous conversations. I am quite curious, because a name of the group conversation is "Advanced English conversation". Helen sometimes has interesting and very advanced topics to talk about.
Well, that’s everything for today. Goodbye, see you tomorrow!




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