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English Audio Request

703 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments

Today is June 23, 2010. It is Wednesday morning, and it is the eight day that I am writing in my diary. Just a note: this is from the previous day, June 22.
First of all, I would like to mention that I have been writing down everything I did during every day in my Excel file since last week. I started doing it on June 15, so I already have statistics for the first week how I was keeping my affort for the whole week.
As for writing, from June 15 up to yesterday I wrote 4596 words, so approximately 5000 words per week, so daily avarage is 657 words per day. I was writing only my diary, nothing more. I havent set any daily or weekly targets - such as how many words I should write a day or a week, just like in German. For German, my daily target is to write 100 words.
As for speaking, from June 15 to yesterday I spoke for 7,12 hours with native english speakers via Skype about different topics. The daily avarage is aproximately 1 hour a day. I mostly spoke with british tutors - Harry, Helen, then with one Canadian - Edward and with two Americans - Monica and Maria. I mostly spoke with a british tutor Harry. I must say that I really enjoyed speaking with each of them. I have already set a daily target - to have a conversation for 15 minutes a day at least.
As for watching, from June 15 up to yesterday I watched for 21,65 hours, so daily avarage is aproximately 3 hours a day. I watched several episodes of an American series "Friedns" and one episode of a british series "Doctor Who". I must say that watching series has already helped me a lot with listening comprehension, so thats why I still want to make an affort for watching series. I have already set a daily target - to watch one hour a day at least.
As for listening, I havent writen down how often I listened during the week, but I can say that I usually wear headphones and if I dont watch series or if I dont speak to anyone, I listened to English. I can say that I listened to podcasts about my diary. Every day, when somebody records me a new note of my diary, I download it and then listen to it as many times as possible. I know that the key is repetition. SO, all the week I focused on listening to the notes of my diary and the Steve Kaufmann Books about THE LINGVIST. I really love that book and I would recomend this book to everyone who is interested in languages. Steve can speak fluently 12 languages and I really admire him.
As for reading, I did not read a lot, maybe nothing for the whole week. It was the skill that I leave out this week. But thats why I am doing that statistics, because I can see what I do and what I did before and to focus on something else more in the next week than I did the week before.
I would say that this week I did a lot "for language learnign - ENGLISH"! I am looking forward to next weeks, because then I can compare the weeks before and say how I move in language learning.

Anyway, I will always sumarize my weekly statistics at this time every week in my diary and there would not be a lot of space for other things - such as routine stuff, what I did for the whole day, etc.

I just want to mention that today I had a conversation with a new british tutor, Anthony, who is from London. He is 24 years old and he is learning Korean and studyning Lingvistics at university in London. He also teachs English some Korean people in real, so he has much opportunities to practise Korean. It was a pleasure talking to him. We spoke aproximately for 40 minutes and it was almost about introducing. I will certainly sign up for next conversation with him.

Well, that’s everything for today. Goodbye, see you tomorrow!



June 24, 2010

For us English speakers, some words are a little misspelled. Also, you used the european style of writing numbers. "7,12". For us, it is "7.12", so submissions may be a little different than you hoped.