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English Audio Request

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Today is June 22, 2010. It is 5 o'clock in the morning, and it is the seventh day that I am writing in my diary. Just a note: this is from the previous day, June 20.
Well, I got up something about 1:30p.m. because I needed to go to the toilet. It was not comfortable waking up and I felt a little sullen. A little bit later, I wrote a SMS message to my English tutor Harry in order to cancel our arranged conversation, because I was not really ready to have a conversation for 1,5 hour, although I was sad , because I really want to speak English every day with someone. It is said that "practise makes perfect". SO, if we want to master writing in a language we are learning, we should write as often as possible. If we want to master speaking - own expression in a language we are learning, we should speak as often as possible. Everything is a matter of practise, repetition, making an affort and patience. I have heard several times that the key is repetition and I fully agree with it. Anyway, I asked Harry (a different guy than the previous one) on Skype if we can have a conversation, but he was very busy today. He studied for his exam and he wanted to write notes in diary in all three languages he is learning - Spanish, German and Japanese. Fortunately, I asked Helen, the british tutor who was not able to have a conversation on Friday, if we can have our conversation today and she agreed, so we had it at 7p.m. OUr conversation took around 40 minutes and we talked about diary, for example. She told me that writing diary was her idea. I mean, she gave that advice to Harry and Harry gave the advice to me, so she was the source of that idea.
Anyway, after that conversation I wrote a note in my diary in German in order to practise German a bit. I really want to focus on German every day - one hour at least...I mean one hour in overal - including writing, listening. I know that it is not enough, but my priority is still focusing on English. So, "little by little". I mean, now, I am learning German a bit a day, but in a month, I will learn much more. If I practise writing in German every day for a month, I will improve a lot and then I might even enjoy learning much more.
Anyway, today I wrote with my friend and colleague from the Czech Republic. He is doing a Ph.D. in the same field of study just like myself. We have even the same office in the Czech Republic. He told me about some stuff happening at my university and about articles since we has written several articles to journals and magazines about science, such as articles about cutting tool materials, integrity surface, etc. We get some scholarship for writing articles and publishing them in journals, so we talked about it, because it is almost the end of June - the time of giving a list of all our publications for this semestr.
Anyway, today at 1:30 in the morning, I had a group conversation with Canadian tutor, Edward, and with a student from Russian. I really like Edward as a tutor, he is fun and he always asks for interesting questions. Today, we talked about LingQ and about some stuff which are written on LingQ's forum, such as if there should be a conversation for free for newcomers and the next question was about if it is necessary to sound like a native. I told them that I dont mind since I am understood. To acquiere british or american pronunciation would take a lot of time and practise and I want to spend my time with learning new words, to improve my listening comprehension, reading comprehension etc. I said that it would be as an icing on the cake, to sound as a native, but it is not necessray.
Anyway, today it felt still a little bit bad. I did not do any research today..again. It is exactly what I talked about when said taht if you leave our a day in writing a diary, you will easily leave out other days as well. I know that if I start with research, I will do it every day, but I cant still prompt myself to do it since I have better things to do - to learn languages.
As usual, I listened to English podcasts, I watched "Friends" - but only in the morning, not during the day, because I chatted a lot on Skype and MSN during the day. I even practised writing in English and in German as well. I wrote my second note in diary in German. Tomorrow, I might write about my week results in English - writing, watching, speaking. I mean, how many hours I watched series a week, how many hours I spoke a week and how many words I wrote a week. It is really good to have some statistics.
Tomorrow, I will have a conversation with a new british tutor. I havent talked to him so far. I am quite curious. He does not have much experience though. He has hosted only 1 conversation so far, so not really much, but I will see.
Well, that’s everything for today. Goodbye, see you tomorrow!




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