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English Audio Request

773 Words / 2 Recordings / 6 Comments
Note to recorder:

Hi, please, could you even correct it and then record it? It is not corected by anyone. If you correct it, send me please the corrected version on my message. THANK YOU

Today is June 21, 2010. It is morning, and it is the sixth day that I am writing in my diary. Just a note: this is from the previous day, June 20.
Yesterday I wrote about how bad I felt for the whole day. Well, today it was better a little bit, but I went to toilet very often, maybe 20 - 30 for the whole day. It was really annoying. Fortunately, I remembered that my mother gave me some tablets for this, so I started using it. I hope that I will sleep at night and not going to toilet every a half an hour.

Anyway, I got up at 2:30 in the afternoon and after that chatted with some people on Skype - with Japanese lady, Chizu, who wrote to me in order to ask me how I was doing. Last week, we had a conversation and I felt stressed a bit because a tutor of the conversation had fun from something...but never mind. That's why Chizu asked me how well I was. Then I recorded some Czech podcasts and put them in Rhinospike. I really like helping and supporting people with learning Czech. Unfortunately, not many people want to learn Czech. I always wonder why somebody wants to learn Czech. SO I must always ask them what reason they have. However I am really glad that they are people who like learning Czech. I wish they were more such people learning Czech.

Anyway, at 4:45 in the afternoon I had first food, although I heated only a soup in the microwave. I ate it very quickly because my conversation with Harry started at 5 p.m. I really like having conversations with him. Today he told me that he started learning Chinesse. He is really keen on learning languages. He is learning German, Spanish and now even Chinesse. I really admire him. He is only 17 and he is so much interested in languages. When I was as young as he is, I was not interested in languages at all. What a pity, because otherwise I would be able now speak in many languages. But on the other hand, nowdays with modern technology, such computers, mp3 players, intertet, everything is so much easier than it used to be. The conversation took something about 50 minutes.

Anyway, one hour later, my parents called me as every Sunday. It was terrible, because the Internet was down very often while calling. So sometimes we did not hear each other, sometimes it was frozen, sometimes it dropped. The most important is that I spoke with my parents and that we said to each other what we wanted. They are a bit older and even I am 28 years old, I am sometimes like a small kid for them, mainly for me mother. the conversation with my parents took around 1 hour.

Anyway, something about 8:30 I had my second food - pasta with ketchup. It reminds me, my british housemate always wonders that I eat pasta or spagheti with ketchup. I dont know, for me it is really normal. I have been eating it since my childhood. It is not strange for me at all. My friend from Brasil told me that she eats beans with rice, it sounds strange for me, but I dont say anything, because I know that everyone is used to eating something else, since we grow up in different culture.

Today, I was shaving (my baeard) because my face was really hairy and I have been told that I look a lot of older than I am when I am wearing beard.

What should I say about my evaluation today? Well, today it was not so good again, because I did not feel still well. I really were not in mood to do any stuff for my university today. I already feel bad because I havent done anything for university for quite long time. However, I listened to English podcasts, I watched American series, I practised writing in English and even in German. I wrote my first note in diary in German, although it was really short.

Tomorrow, I wont have any conversation on Lingq, although my tutor should come in to my room. I must think some topic to talk about. Talking with him is always enjoyable and he always gives me good advice. Tomorrow, I hope that I will do something for my research. WE WILL SEE!

I am going to bed to get some sleep, but before I am going to watch one or two episodes of "Friends".
Well, that’s everything for today. Goodbye, see you tomorrow!



June 21, 2010

Today is June 21, 2010. It is morning, and it is the sixth day that I am writing in my diary. Just a note: this is from the previous day, June 20.

Yesterday I wrote about how bad I felt for the entire day. Well, today it was better a little bit, but I went to the toilet very often, maybe 20 - 30 times the whole day. It was really annoying. Fortunately, I remembered that my mother gave me some tablets for this, so I started using them. I hope that I will sleep tonight and that I will not go to the toilet every a half an hour.

June 21, 2010

Anyway, I got up at 2:30 in the afternoon, and after that I chatted with some people on Skype - with a Japanese lady, Chizu, who wrote to me in order to ask me how I was doing. Last week, we had a conversation and I felt stressed a bit because a tutor of the conversation had fun from something...but never mind. That's why Chizu asked me how well I was. Then I recorded some Czech podcasts and put them in Rhinospike. I really like helping and supporting people with learning Czech. Unfortunately, not many people want to learn Czech. I always wonder why somebody wants to learn Czech. SO I must always ask them what reason they have. However I am really glad that there are people who like learning Czech. I wish they were more such people learning Czech.

June 21, 2010

Anyway, at 4:45 in the afternoon I first had food, although I heated only soup in the microwave. I ate it very quickly because my conversation with Harry started at 5 p.m. I really like having conversations with him. Today he told me that he started learning Chinese. He is really keen on learning languages. He is learning German, Spanish and now even Chinese. I really admire him. He is only 17 and he is so much interested in languages. When I was as young as he is, I was not interested in languages at all. What a pity, because otherwise I would be able now speak in many languages. But on the other hand, nowadays with modern technology, such as computers, mp3 players, and the Internet, everything is so much easier than it used to be. The conversation took something about 50 minutes.

June 21, 2010

Anyway, one hour later, my parents called me; they do every Sunday. It was terrible, because the Internet was down very often during the call. So sometimes we did not hear each other. Sometimes it froze, sometimes it dropped. The most important thing is that I spoke with my parents and that we said to each other what we wanted. They are a bit older than I am and even though I am 28 years old, I am sometimes like a small kid for them, mainly for my mother. The conversation with my parents took around 1 hour.

Anyway, something about 8:30 I had my second food - pasta with ketchup. It reminds me, my British housemate always wonders why I eat pasta or spaghetti with ketchup. I don’t know, for me it is really normal. I have been eating it since my childhood. It is not strange for me at all.

June 21, 2010

My friend from Brazil told me that she eats beans with rice, it sounds strange for me, but I don’t say anything, because I know that everyone is used to eating something else, since we grow up in different cultures.

Today, I was shaving (my beard) because my face was really hairy and I have been told that I look a lot of older than I am when I am wearing beard.

June 21, 2010

What should I say about my evaluation today? Well, today it was not so good again, because I did not feel well still. I really was not in the mood to do any stuff for my university today. I already feel bad because I haven’t done anything for my university for quite a long time. However, I listened to English podcasts, I watched an American series, and I practiced writing in English and even in German. I wrote my first note in my diary in German, although it was really short.

Tomorrow, I wont have any conversations on LingQ, although my tutor should come to my room. I must think of some topic to talk about. Talking with him is always enjoyable and he always gives me good advice. Tomorrow, I hope that I will do something for my research. WE WILL SEE!
I am going to bed to get some sleep, but before that I am going to watch one or two episodes of "Friends".
Well, that’s everything for today. Goodbye, see you tomorrow!