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English Audio Request

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Hi, please, could you even correct it and then record it? It is not corected by anyone. If you correct it, send me please this corrected version on my message. THANK YOU

Today is June 20, 2010. It is morning, and it is the fifth day that I am writing in my diary. Just a note: this is from the previous day, June 19.
Today It will be a little bit shorter note than the days before, because I've been feeling sick for the whole day. I went to bed at 6 o'clock in the morning and got up at 1:45p.m. I woke up several times during the night, because I felt cold. It was terrible night and I dont remember when I experienced similar night before. Even though I still feel sick, I decided to write in my diary, because I dont want to leave out any single day. I know that if I skip one day, I easily skip other day as well. Next thing is that I can write down in my diary even diffent stuff - just like about feeling, sickness, pains, which can be helpfull for increasing my vocabulary. I can really practise everything while writing diary.
Anyway, at 2 p.m. I should have had a group conversation with a british tutor, Harry, and with a Japanese lady, Hiroko. Unfortunately, Harry did not give me a call at that time. Usually a tutor should give a call at the arranged time. I have already had a lot of conversations with Harry and he has never missed any conversations, so I wondered what had happened. I told myself that Harry must have forgotten it. Fortunatelly, Harry wrote to me in the evening that his Internet went down for 8 hours and that it was not possible to be on the Internet. He was very sorry and he even said that he wanted to make it up by giving me a free conversation in the future. I told him that it is okay and that it can happen to everyone. My internet is often down, so I understand it well. I felt sick at that time anyway, so it would not have been a good conversation since my brain does not think in English as good as when I feel normaly. I went to bed and slept for several hours because I felt really terrible.
After I got up, I prepared some sentences for my German conversation in the evening, even if I felt still bad. I dont have German conversations so often, so I wanted to be prepared, because time really flies and who knows what it will be in a few months when I get back to the Czech Republic. I mean, if I have to find a job, It will be good to know English and German. So, I just dont want to waste any time, otherwise I would have lied in my bad in order to feel better. The German conversation started at 8p.m and it took an hour. It was really great. We went through the text that I had prepared. My tutor, Reinhard, corrected it while we went though that text and after the conversation he send me a conversation repport with MP3 audio file where was these sentences recorded.
I havent had a lot of food today, just a mushroom soup and pasta with pasta sauce. Unfortunately, I put into it so much spice that it was really hot and so my mouth.
I had to turn on the central heating in the evening and to put on warm clothes, such as sweathshirt and sweatpants. I feel usually hot, not cold, so I can always recognise that someting is wrong with me.
I feel terrible that I did not do anything for my university today as well as yesterday and day before yesterday, but today I felt really bad. Today, I dont want to primse you anything, my diary, it depends how I will feel tomorrow, but if I will be better, I will certainly do something. Today I signed up for tomorrow's conversation with Harry, so hopefully I will feel better. I will write down what we will talk about and then I will write it in diary.
What should I say about my evaluation today? Well, today it was not so good since I slept a lot, but I still think that I did something at least. I would feel very terrible if I would not have done anything. Well, I listened to English and German for some time, I watched series and I prepared for german conversation and had a conversation in German. So I think that I did a lot even if I am sick. I hope that it will be better tomorrow. I am going to bed to get some sleep.
Well, that’s everything for today. Goodbye, see you tomorrow!




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