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English Audio Request

1075 Words / 1 Recordings / 8 Comments
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Hi, please, could you even correct it and then record it? It is not corected by anyone. If you correct it, send me please this corrected version on my message. THANK YOU

Today is June 19, 2010 in the morning, and it is the fourth day I am writing in my diary. I just want to mention that this note is for the previous whole day, thus June 18.
Today I was thinking about how to improve this diary and what to do in a case that my day is boring or just the same like the day before. I decided to write always in diary several parts: introduction - just like "Today is June 19 in the morning...", text about what I did the whole day, about the weather, evaluation the day I am writing about, a plan for the next day and finaly saying goodbay. I can evaluate what I did, if I was active and if I fulfiled everything according to the plan from the previous day. It can be good for planning, thus "Time management" as well as for my English.
Anyway, today I got up at 1 It o'clock in the afternoon just like yesterday. I went to bed late again, I have been really a night owl lately. Is that bad? I dont think so. As I mentioned yesterday, I dont mind, because I dont have to go to anywhere. Sure, If I had to, I would get up earlier and changed my life style. I think that I havent mentioned so far that I always make a cup of coffee when I get up because I want to be more awake. So today, I made it too after I got up.
Anyway, at 2p.m I should have had a conversation with a british tutor who I like, but I was on the toilet and when I came in my room, the calling stopped. It was really pity, I missed it only in a few seconds. After that I wrote to her, but she was not reply me, although her status was still online. In a few minutes, an email came up saying that I missed the conversation. Sure, my points were away. I was pissed off a bit because I had always like her conversations. I wrote to her, but she did not answer me. So I rather went to the kitchen to make some food because I was hungry. There I met my housemate saying that he was at the dentist in the morning in order to fill his tooth. I really dont like dentists and I am afraid of each visit of checking my teeths. Although I know that it is an unpleasant feeling only for a minute and then my teeth are healthy for a long time. It is worth it!
In the meantime, my british tutor sent me a message saying that he was not able to come in today because he was tired after working for the whole day. It was really great (ironically), I should have had two conversations and I did not have any. Fortunately, I knew that I would have a conversation at 9p.m., so I was calmer.
Anyway, today was the football match between the England team played and Algeria. It finished with a draw. My housemate was really annoyed because of that result. He really thought that the England team would win. So I rather did not talk to him because he was pissed off very much.
Anyway, at 9p.m I had a conversation with American tutor Maria for approximately 40 minutes. She is a Monica's sister who I mentioned a day before yesterday. We talked about her vacation, how she enjoyed it and what she did there. Then I talked about how good is watching series for learning languages. We can enjoy and learn at the same time and we improve our language skills, such as listening comprehension, we pick up words to our active and passive vocabulary. I certainly know how much listening is important, but sometimes I just dont concentrate for that listening properly. But while watching series, I always concentrate on it, because it is fun. Sure, I must pick the right series, otherwise, I would get bored. I try to watch American and British series, although I dont know so many british series. Thats why I can understand American english better than british english - because of watching a lot of american series. However, my favourite british series is Doctor Who. Every Saturday is the new episode on BBC, I am looking forward to tomorrow for the new episodes.
Today it was quite bad weather, it was cloudy and rainy so I felt sleepy during the day. I dont know how other people, but when the bad weather is, I always feel sleepy. I hope that tomorrow will be better weather, but I dont mind so much.
My diary, I know that I promised yesterday that I would do some research for my university today, but I did not. It is bad, I know. But I still hope that It will get better in order to fulfil my daily targets. What should I say about my evaluation today? Well, I did a lot of things in order to improve English - writing, listening, watching, speaking and I did even something for German but I did not do any work for university.
FOr tomorrow, I would like to do some research and I will have two conversation - the first conversation in English and the second one in German. I mean, we still speak English on our German conversations, not German. It will take some time when I am able to speak German. OUr conversations are based on analysing of texts. The last conversation we talked about a text that I had writen before. There were just basic phrases. My tutor corrected these phrases and told me about mistakes that I did. It was really helpful. Tomorrow we will talk aobut next text that I should finish.
Ok, my diary, I promise you that I will do something for my research tomorrow! - Funny, I promised it yesterday too, I am just curious if I will fulfil it tomorrow.
I would forget to mention that I went for a walk today morning and I am still wearing my jeans while writing this note in my diary. So I am going to put on my pyjamas and then watching Friends and maybe finish my German is not too late here, it is only 3 o'clok in the morning :)
Well, thats everything for today. Goodbye tomorrow!



June 19, 2010

Today is June 19, 2010. It is morning, and it is the fourth day that I am writing in my diary. Just a note: this is from the previous day, June 18.
Today I was thinking about how to improve this diary, and what to do in a case that my day is boring or just the same like the day before. I decided to always write in several parts: the introduction - just like "Today is June 19 in the morning...”, text about what I did the whole day, about the weather, evaluate the day I am writing about, a plan for the next day and finally saying goodbye. I can evaluate what I did, if I was active and if I fulfilled everything according to the plan from the previous day. It can be good for planning, thus "Time management" as well as for my English.

June 19, 2010

Anyway, today I got up at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, just like yesterday. I went to bed late again, I have been a night owl lately. Is that bad? I don’t think so. As I mentioned yesterday, I don’t mind, because I don’t have to go anywhere. Sure, if I had to, I would get up earlier and change my life style. I don’t think that I have mentioned, so far, that I always make a cup of coffee when I get up, because I want to be more awake. So, today, I made it after I got up.

June 19, 2010

Anyway, at 2 p.m. I should have had a conversation with a british tutor, who I like, but I was on the toilet and when I came in my room, the calling stopped. It was really pity; I missed it only by a few seconds. After that I wrote to her, but she did reply to me, although her status said she was still online. In a few minutes, an email came up saying that I missed the conversation. Sure, my points were away. I was pissed off a bit because I had always liked her conversations. I wrote to her, but she did not answer me. So I went to the kitchen to make some food, because I was hungry. There I met my housemate saying that he was at the dentist in the morning in order to fill his tooth. I really don’t like dentists and I am afraid of each visit when my teeth are checked. Although I know that only for a minute, it is an unpleasant feeling, and then my teeth are healthy for a long time. It is worth it!

June 19, 2010

In the meantime, my British tutor sent me a message saying that he was not able to come in today because he was tired after working for the whole day. It was really great (ironically), I should have had two conversations and I did not have any. Fortunately, I knew that I would have a conversation at 9 p.m., so I was calmer.

Anyway, today was the football match between England and Algeria. It finished with a draw. My housemate was really annoyed because of that result. He really thought that the England team would win. So I rather did not talk to him because he was very much pissed off.

June 19, 2010

Anyway, at 9 p.m. I had a conversation with the American tutor Maria for approximately 40 minutes. She is Monica's sister who I mentioned a day before yesterday. We talked about her vacation, how she enjoyed it and what she did there. Then I talked about how good it is to watch series in order to learn languages. We can enjoy and learn at the same time and we improve our language skills, such as listening comprehension, we pick up words to our active and passive vocabulary. I certainly know how much listening is important, but sometimes I just don’t properly concentrate on the listening. But while watching a television series, I always concentrate on it, because it is fun. Sure, I must pick the right series; otherwise, I would get bored. I try to watch American and British series, although I don’t know so many British series. That’s why I can understand American English better than British English - because I watch a lot of American series.

June 19, 2010

However, my favorite British series is Doctor Who. Every Saturday is the new episode on BBC; I am looking forward to tomorrow for the new episode.

Today the weather was quite bad; it was cloudy and rainy so I felt sleepy throughout the day. I don’t know about other people, but when the weather is bad, I always feel sleepy. I hope that tomorrow the weather will be better, but I don’t mind so much.

June 19, 2010

My diary, I know that I promised yesterday that I would do some research for my university today, but I did not. It is bad, I know. But I still hope that it will get better in order to fulfill my daily targets. What should I say about my evaluation today? Well, I did a lot of things in order to improve English - writing, listening, watching, speaking and I even did something for German, but I did not do any work for the university.

For tomorrow, I would like to do some research and I will have two conversation - the first conversation in English and the second one in German. I mean we still speak English on our German conversations instead of German. It will take some time when I am able to speak German. Our conversations are based on the analyzing of texts. The last conversation, we talked about a text that I had written before. They were just basic phrases. My tutor corrected these phrases and told me about mistakes that I did. It was really helpful.

June 19, 2010

Tomorrow we will talk about the next text that I should finish.

Ok, my diary, I promise you that I will do something for my research tomorrow! - Funny, I promised it yesterday too, I am just curious if I will fulfill it tomorrow.
I would forget to mention that I went for a walk this morning and I am still wearing my jeans while writing this note in my diary. So I am going to put on my pajamas and then watch Friends and maybe finish my German is not too late here, it is only 3 o’clock in the morning :)
Well, that’s everything for today. Goodbye, see you tomorrow!


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