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English Audio Request

653 Words / 3 Recordings / 6 Comments
Note to recorder:

Hi, please, could you even correct it and then record it? It is not corected by anyone. If you correct it, send me please this corrected version on my message. THANK YOU

Today is June 18, 2010 in the morning, and it is the third day I am writing in my diary. I just want to mention that this note is for the previous whole day, thus June 17.
I got up at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, so I slept for 7 hours since I went to bed at 6 o'clock in the morning or maybe even later.
First of all I read all my new emails. Amongst these emails was an email from my German tutor Reinhard. He sent me a conversation report from our tuesday's conversation including an audio file. I really like his conversation reports. They are always very in details and I can see my mistakes that I did during the conversation before. Anyway, Reinhard is interested in learning Czech, so I recorded his own German text, which I firstly translated to Czech.
After checking my emails I went to the kitchen and made beans with sausage on the fryingpan. I put there some spice, such as pepper, salt and hot chilli. It was not too bad, but maybe too spicy. I was watching Friends while eating as usual. I mean, It is kind of my habit that I always watch something while eating. After watching several episodes, I had a shower and then went to bed. There I listened to my diary's recordings from yesterday and day before yesterday. I felt really relaxed when I lied on my bed and listened to English.
I even felt asleep since I went to bed pretty late. I should really change my life style, but I just dont mind now, but I know that it will not take long time and I will have to change it anyway.
Perhaps at 6:30 I went shopping with Max whom is my british housemate. We always talk together while walking to the shop. It is always a good possibility to practise English, because he usually does not have time during the day to speak. Unfortunately, we did not speak about anything interesting today. It was really nice weather. The sky was clear, without clouds, just some marks after planes, which make the sky more interesting.
Anyway, my mum gave me a call at 9:00 p.m. and we talked about how we are. I haven't mentioned in my diary so far that I've been living in England for some time and my parents are in my country - in the Czech Republic. So they call me some time. Today I did not expect that call, because usually my parents call me on Sunday.
After that call I wrote a text in German about the Czech Republic in order to practice German for a bit today. I think that it belongs amongst basic topics to know while talking to people - to inform them a bit about my country.
Anyway, at midnight I went to the kitchen to heat a hamburger in the oven and I chatted with my housemate a bit.
Perhaps around 1 o'clock in the morning I went to go for a walk around the streets wearing my headphones and listening to some English. I like walking early morning - everywhere is silence - nobody nowhere! The sky was so clear that stars were seen quite well.It is not so common here though. I saw cats and even a fox. I have already seen many foxes running around the streets ever since I've been here.
Anyway, I thought about making a day plan every day - what to do next each day, because it is really great to chatch everything. I should do some research for my university, but I always do something else rather than that research. Learning languages is really time consuming and I want to be perfect at that. Ok, my diary, I promise you that I will do something for my research tomorrow!
Well, thats everything for today. Goodbye tomorrow!



June 17, 2010

Today is June 18, 2010. It is morning, and it is the third day I am writing in my diary. I just want to mention that this note is for the previous whole day, thus June 17.
I got up at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, so I slept for 7 hours since I went to bed at 6 o'clock in the morning or maybe even later.
First of all, I read all my new emails. Among these emails was an email from my German tutor Reinhard. He sent me a conversation report from our Tuesday conversation including an audio file. I really like his conversation reports. They are always very detailed and I can see my mistakes that I made during the previous conversation. Anyway, Reinhard is interested in learning Czech, so I recorded his own German text, which I first translated into Czech.

June 17, 2010

After checking my email I went to the kitchen and made beans and sausage in a frying pan. I added some spices, such as pepper, salt and hot chili. It was not too bad, but maybe too spicy. I was watching Friends while eating as usual. I mean, It is my habit that I always watch something while eating. After watching several episodes, I took a shower and then went to bed. Then I listened to my diary's recordings from yesterday and the day before yesterday. I felt really relaxed when I lied on my bed and listened to English.
I even fell asleep since I went to bed pretty late. I should really change my life style, but I just don't mind it now. I know that it will not take a long time and I will have to change it anyway.

June 17, 2010

Around 6:30 I went shopping with Max, who is my british housemate. We always talk together while walking to the shop. It is always a good opportunity to practise English, because he usually does not have time during the day to speak. Unfortunately, we did not speak about anything interesting today. It was really nice weather. The sky was clear, without clouds, just some marks after planes, which makes the sky more interesting.
Anyway, my mum gave me a call at 9:00 p.m. and we talked about how each of us is doing. I haven't mentioned in my diary so far that I've been living in England for some time and my parents are in my country - in the Czech Republic. So they call me sometimes. Today I did not expect that call, because usually my parents call me on Sunday.

June 17, 2010

After that call I wrote a text in German about the Czech Republic in order to practice German for a bit today. I think that it belongs amongst the basic topics to know while talking to people - to inform them a bit about my country.
Anyway, at midnight I went to the kitchen to heat a hamburger in the oven and I chatted with my housemate a bit.
Perhaps around 1 o'clock in the morning I went to go for a walk around the streets wearing my headphones and listening to some English. I like walking early morning - everywhere is silent - nobody anywhere! The sky was so clear that stars were seen quite well.It is not so common here though. I saw cats and even a fox. I have already seen many foxes running around the streets ever since I've been here.

June 17, 2010

Anyway, I thought about making a daily plan every day - what to do next each day, because it is really great to catch everything. I should do some research for my university, but I always do something else rather than that research. Learning languages is really time consuming and I want to be perfect at that. Ok, my diary, I promise you that I will do something for my research tomorrow!
Well, that's everything for today. Goodbye, see you tomorrow!

**Note: I corrected the mistakes so that it would seem most natural, but I don't think that necessarily means that it's all grammatically just makes it a little easier for me to record. :/

Hope you like it ^_^

June 18, 2010

I recorded yours hermux :) thanks


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